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Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - Tuesday Jan 27 2015

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Tue Jan 27, 2015 - 4:50 pm EST

This pro-life story made bishops, cardinals, and a papal nuncio rise to their feet cheering, along with 15,000 teens

By Pete Baklinski

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Tue Jan 27, 2015 - 11:57 am EST

Vatican's Synod chief presses Kasper agenda at family meeting

By Hilary White

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Tue Jan 27, 2015 - 4:08 pm EST

Self-concept and how it influences the same-sex 'marriage' debate

By John-Henry Westen

Top News

Catholic Relief Services helped run explicit sex ed program pushing abortifacients, Planned Parenthood

'Vile programs like My Changing Body are designed specifically for the eradication of innocence in children,' says the Lepanto Institute's Michael Hichborn.

By Lisa Bourne

Cardinal Dolan: Rape exceptions in abortion bills 'preposterous,' discriminates against entire class of humans (AUDIO)

The cardinal also rejected the premise underlying the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. 'Does that make it okay to stab somebody in the back when they're sleeping, because they can't feel pain?' he asked.

By Kirsten Andersen

Obama admin tops list of 'Dirty Dozen' porn promoters

The Obama administration's unwillingness to prosecute obscenity law violators has allowed fringe elements of porn to become 'mainstream,' an expert tells LifeSiteNews.

By Dustin Siggins

Exclusive video: Josh and Anna Duggar urge pro-lifers to 'stay strong'

'The most basic of all gifts that God has given to each of us is that which is most valuable and precious, and that is life,' says Josh Duggar.

By Thaddeus Baklinski

Kazakhstan celebrates Holiness of Life Week

'We pray that the Holy Spirit can bring healing to a nation devastated by decades of anti-life policies and practices,' said Father Shenan Boquet, president of HLI.

By Ligaya Acosta, Ph.D

The Pulse

Drones capture awesome footage of tens of thousands at San Francisco's Walk for Life

If you were one of the unlucky ones who had to miss it, however, fear not -- the folks at Skeye Studios have you covered with their wicked cool new video.

By Dustin Siggins

When will destroyed human lives get more news attention than deflated footballs?

We demand justice over corruption in a game, yet ignore the corruption in the abortion industry.

By Christina Martin

New Mexico Court of Appeals is hearing assisted suicide case

This case claimed that 'aid in dying', which is also known as assisted suicide, is not prohibited by the New Mexico assisted suicide law because 'aid in dying' is not suicide.

By Alex Schadenberg


Self-concept and how it influences the same-sex 'marriage' debate

LifeSiteNews is proud to present a novel and thought-provoking essay on the debate around same-sex 'marriage' by a person who experiences same-sex attractions but who joyfully chooses to live chastely.

By John-Henry Westen


Link Byfield: good friend, good Catholic, good paddler

I was out of province for Link's political life, so I remember more what his wife Joanne remembers, a good husband and father, a good friend, a strong paddler, a staunch believer.

By Steve Weatherbe

Sober scriptural wisdom on avoiding the whirlwind of lust

The promises that sexual and other sinful pleasures make are cast on the rocky shore of disappointment and betrayal.

By Msgr. Charles Pope

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