The story of American war hero Chris Kyle, embodied in the movie “American Sniper,” has been a record breaking hit in theaters. Of course, this has leftists enraged, and some of them have been lashing out at both Kyle and members of the U.S. military. It’s not just liberals who are upset though, as an Professional race hustler and MSNBC commentator Al Sharpton is a reviled figure amongst conservatives, libertarians, and independents, and not without good reason. Al Sharpton is a pot-stirring racial agitator, one who extorts money out of corporations with threats of racism accusations and boycotts. As if that isn’t bad enough, Sharpton has also dodged his taxes on Black protesters in places such as New York and Ferguson have acted as if they stand for the same racial justice principles as Martin Luther King, Jr. Led by people such as Al Sharpton, they claim to speak for all African Americans — but a statement from MLK’s own son just shattered that illusion. Martin Luther King Who can forget last year’s invasion of illegal immigrants across our nation’s southern border, or how thousands of them carried dangerous and deadly contagious diseases with them? Of course, the Obama administration tried to cover up this inconvenient information, as they helped spread these sick illegals all around the country. It is no wonder then that Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert – a man known for his no-nonsense opposition against President Obama, recently dropped a mind-blowing bombshell during a radio interview regarding the Benghazi attacks. In a nutshell, Gohmert has a theory that’s more than plausible – it’s highly likely. He claims that the one person who could probably shed the most light Bowe Bergdahl – the soldier released in President Obama’s infuriating, illegal prisoner swap with the Taliban – got the news he’d been hoping to avoid on Monday. According to sources, the prisoner, whose capture was considered sketchy by many, will be charged with desertion by the government. On Monday’s edition of “The O’Reilly Factor,” ret. Barack Obama just broke a major campaign promise, and it could mean a new tax that hurts millions of Americans. During his State of the Union address, the president unveiled a tax increase that directly targets middle class families and children headed toward college. The proposed plan would go after “Section 529″ savings accounts. Those savings plans Megyn Kelly of FOX News has been called the Walter Cronkite of our generation, always getting to the truth regardless where it might lead. After she showed her support of the film "Honor Diaries" about the culture of domestic abuse in radical Islam, she was attacked by many. One of her biggest critics was the If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times – the best way to stop a bad guy (or guys) with a gun is a good guy with a gun. This was proven yet again in Tulsa, Okla., as three robbers attempted to make away with the money at a convenience store. Two Actor, former Fox News commentator, and conservative comedian Steven Crowder is the latest recipient of a growing number of death threats from radical Islamists thanks to a two-year-old YouTube video. Nearly two years ago, Crowder started a Jesus vs. Muhammad project – a hilarious video that shows stark differences between Christianity and Islam. The video, at the time, | | | |
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