Daily Stormer |
- Australian ZOG Government May Block Access to Daily Stormer Over Troll Operation Against Filthy Moslem Whore Mariam Veiszadeh
- #1 Global Sadness: Young British Girls Escaping to Get Gang-Banged by Terrorists in Syria
- Awesome Slavery Simulation Game Attacked for Being So Sweet
- Black Students Cause Chaos and Throw Stones at White Students Wanting to Attend Class
- White Tourist Raped by Pakis Within Hours of Setting Foot in Britain
- ISIS Openly States Plan to Use Immigration to Conquer Europe
- Diabolical Jews Open Dams to Flood Palestinian Homes
- Greece: Syriza Officially Folds
- Black Speed-Freak Couple Arrested for Murder of Innocent White Man
- Medina Mora (Mexican Ambassador to U.S.) and Sada (Mexican Consul in LA) Optimistic About Mexican Agenda in the U.S.
Posted: 23 Feb 2015 11:16 AM PST Michael Slay In response to the Daily Stormer’s highly successful troll operation against Moslem parasite Mariam Veiszadeh, the Australian government is reportedly announcing new Judeo-Bolshevik “hate speech” laws, including the blocking of foreign “hate sites.” Unfortunately for them, we are an American website protected by the First Amendment and there is absolutely nothing that they can do to stop us. As we stated before, even hardcore leftists in the US still firmly support our right to speak freely. Pretty much nobody in America actually thinks that “hate speech” should be a crime – not even full-blown socialists. Australian Marxists can cry all they want, but they will never be able to stop the Stormer Troll Army. Should the Australian ZOG try to block access to our site from Australia [I seriously doubt they actually will -AA], here are some proxy and VPN services that Australians can use to access the Daily Stormer: https://www.hidemyass.com/proxy Every Australian government attempt to filter the Internet has been hugely unsuccessful so far, so there’s really no reason to believe that this one will be any different. Mariam has also started the hashtag #IStandWithMariam in a pathetic effort to get people to support her. But guess what, Mariam? Subhumans, faggots and White lesbian feminists may support you, but most White people don’t. They see you as nothing more than exactly what you are: subversive, terrorist-supporting scum with absolutely no place in Australia. Hilariously, many subhumans and Marxists in Australia are also making desperate appeals to the Australian government and to Jewish communist organizations like the Human Rights Law Centre (@rightsagenda). They apparently didn’t get the memo that, as an American website protected by the First Amendment, there is absolutely nothing that they can do to us. You can’t take away our sacred American right to freedom of speech, retards. Your Australian ZOG “hate speech” laws have absolutely no power against us. Obviously, we need to continue to flood the #IStandWithMariam hashtag. Make sure to tag @MariamVeiszadeh in every single abusive message that you send. We need to make sure that this Moslem swine sees our messages. Keep sending abuse to @MariamVeiszadeh, and keep using the #SandNiggerWhore and #BackToAfghanistan hashtags. The #BackToAfghanistan hashtag is currently being flooded by Moslem subhumans. Mariam’s personal email address is mariam.veiszadeh@gmail.com. Make sure to flood her email inbox with abuse as well. In addition, Mariam has a website dedicated to having people “report Islamophobia” in Australia. Everyone needs to flood the website with false reports, rendering it completely useless: http://islamophobia.com.au/report.html Mariam’s website islamophobia.com.au ranks a pathetic 6,368,614 in the world according to Alexa. By contrast, our website ranks 35,850 in the world according to Alexa, and we rank 5,764 in Australia. That means that we are one of the most-visited websites in Australia. Mariam is absolutely powerless against us. In addition, we are renewing our attacks against Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane (@timsout), and also adding a few other targets. Here is the Daily Stormer’s page about Operation: Filthy Chink Rat, in which we began an online assault against rat-faced chink Tim Soutphommasane. Flood both of these pages with racial abuse. You can find several anti-chink images with Tim’s face in them on the Operation: Filthy Chink Rat page, linked above. Use the hashtags #FilthyChinkRat and #BackToLaos when targeting Tim. In addition, we also need the Stormer Troll Army to send racial and religious abuse to the following subversive subhuman parasites in Australia: Josh Bornstein (@JoshBBornstein) – Jew lawyer, “human rights activist,” open-borders advocate, and staunch supporter of “hate speech” laws intended to shut down all criticism of Jews and Israel. Anita Heiss (@AnitaHeiss) – White leftist pretending to be an “abo”. She has written several books about “muh poor, oppressed abos” and peddles White guilt across the country, even though the subhuman abos weren’t even in Australia first and actually wiped out several competing groups, including the pygmies. Almost all “aboriginal activists” are White people and Jews claiming to be 1/64th abo. Josh Frydenberg (@JoshFrydenberg) – Kike parasite with a high-ranking position in the Australian government. He uses his position as Assistant Treasurer of Australia to push nation-wrecking Jewish policies on the country. TO CREATE ACCOUNTS ON TWITTER, USE MAILINATOR.COM EMAIL ADDRESSES. THEY ARE DISPOSABLE AND YOU CAN KEEP MAKING NEW ONES OVER AND OVER. WE MUST FLOOD ALL OF THESE SUBVERSIVE PARASITES WITH NON-STOP RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS ABUSE. IF THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT BLOCKS US, ALL THAT MEANS IS THAT WE HAVE OFFICIALLY WON. THEY CAN TRY TO SHUT IT DOWN, BUT WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED. THE FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTS US IN AMERICA, AND AUSTRALIANS CAN SIMPLY USE PROXIES OR VPNS TO ACCESS OUR SITE. THE KIKES AND THEIR SUBHUMAN HORDES ARE POWERLESS AGAINST US. This operation is perfectly exposing how Jews work together with Moslems and other subhumans in order to stifle freedom of speech and destroy White nations. We are now waging an all-out war against subversive subhuman parasites in Australia, and the war won’t stop until the country is fully cleansed and restored back to the White nation that it was intended to be before the kikes destroyed it. Australia does not belong to the subhuman hordes. It also does not belong to the subhuman abos, who burned the country down and turned it into a desert, destroyed the country’s rich biodiversity and megafauna, slaughtered each other en masse, never recognized land ownership, and never even achieved stone age-level technology before the White man arrived. Australia belongs to the White man, who turned the barren desert that the abos created into a thriving civilization. Finally, had the White man not arrived in Australia first, the Maori would have – and they would have absolutely exterminated the abos. The only reason that the abos even continue to exist today is because of the White man’s kindness and generosity. Any other race would have completely exterminated the worthless subhuman abos (just like the abos completely exterminated the pygmies and other competing races). Abos should thank the White man every single day for graciously allowing them to live, even when they are plainly inferior and contribute absolutely nothing whatsoever to the planet. In addition, subhuman invaders like Mariam should also be thanking the White man for allowing her to mooch off of the White man’s civilization when she could just as easily be getting raped, beheaded and/or stoned to death in a sand dune country where she belongs. Only because of the White man’s extreme hospitality is Mariam allowed to live in Australia, leeching off of the country’s resources while supporting terrorism and promoted hatred against White Australians. Do you honestly think that ANY non-White country would put up with Mariam’s BS? Of course not. Any non-White country would have Mariam jailed, deported, or executed – and rightfully so. Gentlemen… continue the flood. We need to ramp up our trolling, and we need to troll these parasites as hard as we possibly can. We cannot stop until Australia is a White, Judenfrei, subhuman-free nation once more. Hail Victory. |
#1 Global Sadness: Young British Girls Escaping to Get Gang-Banged by Terrorists in Syria Posted: 23 Feb 2015 10:55 AM PST Andrew Anglin The sadness is deeply upon my spirit as I hear today of some traditional British girls are escaping to Syria due to a deep and unnatural craving for terrorist gang-bangs. CBS:
These girls, who in a bygone era could have been pulled straight out of a Jane Austin novel, are now consumed by a feral desire for limitless and perhaps even infinite amounts of TOTAL PENIS. What happened to ye olde England? Once upon a time, girls were into romantic songs and fairy tales, now they are all about terrorism and having sex with thousands of terrorists to help them relax after a long day of doing terrorism. What are we to do with the youth of Britain? What happened to the 1800s stereotype of conservative girls singing songs while they cooked you up a delicious and satisfying meat pie? Where did this change happen that caused them to be obsessed with getting their freak on with terrorists, to the point where they are willing to escape their families in order to engage in sex with thousands of men? The mystery has yet to be solved, but most believe it has to do with racism or socioeconomics and wealth distribution or something. Shalom Goldensilverstein, an economics expert, says “there is no way these girls would be craving gang-bangs and terrorism to this extent if the conservative government of the United Kingdom had not failed so miserably to put more money in them programs. You should remember goyim, it is of course perfectly natural for young girls to desire to get gang-banged by hundreds of men, but not by men who do a terrorism or whatever rofl.” |
Awesome Slavery Simulation Game Attacked for Being So Sweet Posted: 23 Feb 2015 10:34 AM PST Andrew Anglin An awesome educational video game designed to teach Blacks how to be slaves is being attacked for not being hardcore enough. Critics say slavery simulation game should be more similar to the 50 Shades of Gray simulation game, which is also marketed to children (note: this isn’t true). If they wanted it to be miserable, they should have had Zoe Quinn design it (note: this is true). RT:
The fact of the matter is that slavery was fun for Blacks, they all enjoyed it. For documentation proof of this obvious fact, please read my article “Blacks Loved Slavery and Regretted Its End.” I’m sure some of them got abused, but it would have been the exception. Most Whites don’t have any drive to abuse people generally, and certainly they would have no reason to abuse their own workers. What would be the point? I don’t argue for bringing back slavery, mind you, but it seems to me this is something that Blacks should be arguing for, as their lives were much better, objectively. |
Black Students Cause Chaos and Throw Stones at White Students Wanting to Attend Class Posted: 23 Feb 2015 08:52 AM PST IOL Students at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) were embroiled in violent racial clashes on Thursday, leaving some with head wounds. Lectures were halted and the university was in lockdown while vehicles were prevented from entering or leaving. The clash erupted between two groups of students, one black the other white, after about 300 protesting students blockaded both main gates of the university and stopped vehicles from passing through. During the clash, some students were injured when bricks and stones were hurled at them. A CPUT student, who refused to have her name published, claimed she and other protesters had prevented cars from going in or out. A group of white students then started assaulting them and told them to get out of the way. "They started pushing us to the ground and forcing their way past. That's when we fought back because we explained to them why we were blocking the gate. "But they refused to listen and started to fight us. Why can't they join us as fellow students? Why must they learn while we struggle. "We are poor and don't have money," she said. A student struck by a brick said he was next to the gate when the protesters attacked him and his friends. They all asked that their names not be published. "They threw a brick at my head. I was standing here doing nothing. When we got here, they were already standing with bricks and stones in hand. Then they started throwing them at people," he said. He said the protesters did not want other students to attend their classes. "Why do you have to shut the whole university and start throwing stones at people just to make a point? Why can't you talk like civilised people to one another? Why do you need to attack people?" said another CPUT student who had been injured in the fight. Students who were not part of the protest found themselves forced out of classes, the library and from their buses. |
White Tourist Raped by Pakis Within Hours of Setting Foot in Britain Posted: 23 Feb 2015 06:33 AM PST Standard
Two men who raped a vulnerable Polish tourist in a London park just hours after she had arrived in the UK have each been jailed for 14 years. Mojtaba Changi, 33, of Lea Bridge Road, Walthamstow, and Saeed Fatemi, 20, of Blackthorn Court, Hall Road, Leyton, were sentenced at Kingston Crown Court on Thursday. They targeted their 18-year-old victim, who has been left so traumatised she hasn’t told her family, after she became separated from friends on a night out. Police said she bumped into Fatemi in Kingston town centre as she searched for them. He offered to help, walking around with her for 45 minutes while his accomplice Changi followed quietly behind. |
ISIS Openly States Plan to Use Immigration to Conquer Europe Posted: 23 Feb 2015 05:22 AM PST James Kirkpatrick If the destruction of the United States through mass immigration is Hitler's Revenge, the end of Italy will the Revenge of Gaddafi. ISIS has declared its intention to use the flotillas of illegal immigrants coming to Europe as a weapon. It will succeed, absent a dramatic change in Western leadership. And the worst part of all: events are playing out exactly as the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi predicted. When jihadists acting on behalf of the Islamic State beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians on the shores of Tripoli, their typically-slick snuff film ended with one of the butchers raising a blood-soaked knife and swearing to conquer Rome. Contrary to the lunatic immigration enthusiasts who claim mass migration is good for Europe, the Islamic State is honest enough to say that diversity will be weakness for Europe—not strength. An online recruiter for the Islamic State boasted recently that [T]he number of trips known as 'illegal immigration' from this coast, which are huge in number … if this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern European states and it is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines and targeting of Crusader ships and tankers. [Islamic State 'planning to use Libya as gateway to Europe,' by Ruth Sherlock and Colin Freeman, Telegraph, February 17, 2015] Italy is already uniquely vulnerable because of its insistence on rescuing "migrants" from the Mediterranean. As even the Leftist Daily Beast admits, "smugglers, who usually melt in with the migrants, are armed and dangerous" and the government is now obliged to deploy anti-terrorism troops within the country [Italy Fears ISIS Invasion From Libya, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, February 17, 2015]. The Italian government did briefly weigh military intervention in Libya. But it quickly retreated, whimpering about a "complicated" situation and punting the issue to the UN Security Council and the "international community [which] has the means to intervene" [Renzi puts brakes on military action as Italy frets over Libya, by Oliver Baube, AFP, February 16, 2015]. The Libyan government, which actually only controls a fraction of the country, claimed that it did not want Western military intervention [Libyan FM: We don't want military intervention, by Ali Barada, Almonitor, February 20, 2015]. However, it did say that it was coordinating efforts against its enemies with the Egyptian government, which was infuriated by ISIS's murder of its citizens. You would think that the West, especially the U.S., would welcome this gift of a strong Arab country which recently ousted its own Islamist leadership and is ready to undertake military action against the Islamic State. Indeed, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has spoken out against Islamic extremism with the kind of rhetoric that would be called Islamophobic or even racist if it was said by a European. Speaking recently at the Al Azhar Mosque, Sisi reiterated his dedication to Islam by decried how the religion has become a "source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world." He cried:
We're always hearing about how "moderate Muslims" need to step up and condemn violence. Well, here's one. More than that, Sisi is using airstrikes to target ISIS—not platitudes. Egypt has already taken unilateral action against the terrorist group. Yet incredibly, the United States is not backing the Egyptian military action, is withholding weapons, and is complaining about "democracy" even though Sisi initially achieved power by deposing the Muslim Brotherhood and was later duly elected [U.S. Won't Back Egypt's Attacks on ISIS, by Nancy Youssef, Daily Beast, February 19, 2015]. Having learned nothing from the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the Obama Administration seems determined to execute a kind of reverse Cold War policy in which friendly governments are pressured and undermined while openly hostile states are courted and rewarded [How Egypt is Harming, Not Helping, the ISIS Fight, by Sophia Jones and Akbar Shahid Ahmed, Huffington Post, February 20, 2015]. Insofar as the Obama Administration has presented a justification for its actions, it is epitomized by the inadvertently hilarious comments of State Department spokesperson Marie Harf, who is now nationally notorious for her silly idea of stopping terrorism by giving jihadists jobs , followed by the that any criticism of her was because she was "too nuanced" for dumb Americans to understand [Straight from the Harf, by Gregory Hood, Radix Journal, February 21, 2015]. But the current state of Libya is a direct result of President Obama's actions, not some example of a society that spontaneously combusted into chaos. Former Republican Congressman Curt Weldon, who visited Gaddafi in 2011, recently reported that Gaddafi was willing to step down peacefully [Gadhafi wanted to go peacefully, not by force, by Jerome Corsi, WND, February 2, 2015] Instead, the Obama Administration armed the very Islamist rebels who are now plaguing us, all so Hillary Clinton could cackle, "We came, we saw, he died." And the Third World flotillas besieging Italy are exactly what Gaddafi prophesied in 2010. Unless he was there to stop them, he warned,
Who knows, maybe Gaddafi's comments provoked anti-racist Western leaders to depose him. In any event, now the gates are open to the "barbarian invasions" in Europe, as in the United States. Even as this is written, Secretary Jeh Johnson of the Department of Homeland Security is warning people to "be vigilant" after a threat from al-Shabaab, a Somali Islamist group [Homeland Security Chief: Be 'vigilant' at malls, by John Bacon and David Jackson, USA Today, February 22, 2015]. The group specifically threatened the Mall of America in Minnesota—a state with a large Somali population that keeps joining various terrorist organizations. Yet the Obama Administration is still doing its best to import the Third World to the United States. And Italy shows no signs of taking decisive action to stop immigration. The governments of the West seem determined to make ISIS's job easy for them. All the pointless troop movements, security warnings, and vast expenditures simply conceal the reality that Western leaders just don't care about the safety of their own citizens. We shouldn't be surprised that our supposed leaders won't protect the very people they are fanatically determined to replace. |
Diabolical Jews Open Dams to Flood Palestinian Homes Posted: 23 Feb 2015 05:19 AM PST Andrew Anglin Sometimes, you cannot do anything but laugh at the diabolical nature of the Jews. They really are cartoon villains, doing evil simply because they get pleasure from it. Like Skeletor. This week, several hundred Palestinians were forced out of their homes in the Gaza Strip because the Jews opened the gates of several dams, just to be like “bwahahahahahahahaha!” You kinda gotta respect that type of “evil for the sake of it” behavior.
Next, they are going to create a special government agency to drown kittens. |
Greece: Syriza Officially Folds Posted: 23 Feb 2015 05:10 AM PST Andrew Anglin Everyone knew that Syriza were just a bunch of sellout shills, but now it’s officially. They’ve signed a deal with Germany which does exactly nothing to change the current situation in Greece, meaning they are – as everyone in the know said they would be – the exact same thing as the previous governments of Greece. NYT:
As the only reason anyone save a small portion of hardcore communists voted for Syriza was that they claimed they would do something about the austerity, this means that the Golden Dawn will be the next government of Greece. As they are the only remaining anti-austerity and pro-Greek party. |
Black Speed-Freak Couple Arrested for Murder of Innocent White Man Posted: 23 Feb 2015 05:09 AM PST Good 4 Utah The Salt Lake City Police Department has arrested a man believed to be responsible for the murder of 24-year-old Christian McDonald. On January 24, 2015 around 7 p.m. a motorist found Christian McDonald with a gunshot wound lying in the park strip near 1224 E. Parkway Ave. Medical responded and transported the victim to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead. Based upon numerous witness accounts, police say, Jeremiah Hart, 42, shot the victim as the result of a robbery. Hart's wife, Daisy Hart, 22, was arrested for obstruction of justice. Hart was booked into jail for aggravated murder, obstruction of justice, aggravated robbery, possession of methamphetamine, and possession of drug paraphernalia. |
Posted: 23 Feb 2015 04:59 AM PST Allan Wall The LA-based (and Argentine-owned) La Opinión (which I quoted in a recent blog entry) reports what two key Mexican diplomats recently said about amnesty. The article is entitled México ve fuertes alianzas en EEUU para continuar con DAPA y DACA , by Gardenia Mendoza Aguilar, La Opinión, February 18, 2015. The comments were made in Mexico, publicly, by Eduardo Medina Mora who is Mexico's ambassador in the United States, and Carlos Sada, who is Mexico's consul general in Los Angeles. So Medina Mora and Sada hold, respectively, Mexico's #1 and #2 diplomatic posts in the United States. Mexican diplomats in the U.S. constantly meddle and influence U.S. immigration system. Yet almost nobody complains about this. Why? The diplomats' statements were made at the Foro México en el Mundo (Mexico in the World Forum), hosted by the Mexican Senate. Both diplomats are confident that "the allies of DAPA and DACA in the United States will be key in overcoming the temporary suspension of these programs." The "temporary suspension" refers to the Hanen ruling. Quoth Consul Sada: "Local allies are fundamental for this purpose, and the lobbying that can and should continue on the local level is fundamental to affect the great decisions." Sada delivered a short history "of actions in which politicans of California have been key in helping the largest migrant community of the U.S., from the recognition of the matricula consular as an ID for driver's licenses to the visits to Mexico of Governor Jerry Brown and Mayor Eric Garcetti. " And guess what Garcetti has recently done? Sada proudly informed his listeners that Garcetti has established "a special fund", with a target amount of 40 million dollars, "to help to pay the undocumented community the fees that DAPA and DACA will charge them." Sada also appreciates the work of Kevin de Leon, whom he referred to as "the second most important man in the politics of California." Kevin de Leon is a state senator, "a young man, Mexican-American, born in Tijuana and with a very important binational orientation." "Binational orientation"? Sounds more like a "Mexican orientation". As for Ambassador Medina Mora, he thinks that the U.S. Department of Justice (run by Eric Holder) is going to bring about "a better future for the Mexican community in the United States." A country that protected its own sovereignty (not the current U.S.A. of course) would never tolerate such blatant meddling by foreign diplomats. Yet they don't even try to hide it. These things weren't said at some secret meeting, but were said publicly. Of course, they have plenty of allies in the United States. |
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