Friday, March 27, 2015

CoastZone: Ceres, Enceladus, & Earth's Core Changes

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March 27, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
Ceres, Enceladus, & Earth's Core Changes:

On Thursday's show, Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the unexplained lights coming from Ceres, new data about Saturn's moon Enceladus, and explanations for the mysterious rumbling booms and metallic sounds and their possible connection to changes in the Earth's core.

The DAWN spacecraft approaching the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter returned images that showed two bright "lights" shining from a dark crater. Not far from this crater was another large crater that is curiously a 6-sided hexagon. Linda spoke with Marc Rayman, Ph.D., Dawn Mission Director and Chief Engineer, NASA/JPL, who expressed excitement that the spacecraft had reached its target after 7½ years of interplanetary flight. Because of the direction DAWN is currently flying over Ceres, we won't get more pictures of the "lights" until early May, though he surmises they aren't indicative of technological signs or extraterrestrial life.

New data has emerged from the University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) about Enceladus, one of Saturn's 31 moons. The NASA Cassini spacecraft has photographed Enceladus, and it's estimated to have a 1-mile-deep ocean with a water volume equal to the American Great Lakes. The intriguing new data is that underwater vents are spewing silica, and scientists calculate that the water at the bottom of the moon's ocean must be at least 194 degrees Fahrenheit. Dr. Sascha Kempf with LASP confirmed that Enceladus is one of the best candidates for finding life in the solar system, but he suggested we need better instruments for conducting further tests.

Since 2011, mysterious rumbling booms and sounds continue to baffle various communities in the US, Canada and spots around the world. The phenomenon has provoked the owner of a fossil fuel research and recovery corporation in the Southeastern US to come forward with his information about the Earth's core and interactions from the core to the mantle that could finally be an explanation of some of the boom phenomenon. Speaking with Linda under the name of "James Smith," he confirmed an earlier whistleblower's conclusions that the booms were connected to changes in the Earth's core. Smith's analysis reinforces current geophysical investigations of the Earth's magnetic fields and the potential for a magnetic pole flip as early as the end of the 21st Century.
UFO Update:

First hour guest, documentary  filmmaker James Fox shared an update on UFOs. He is continuing to work on his upcoming documentary/feature 701 with Tracey Torme, which explores the origins of the UFO phenomenon and the government suppression of evidence. 701 refers to the number of UFO cases that remained unexplained as part of the US Air Force's Project Blue Book. Fox has recently been studying materials at the National Archives regarding the 1964 Socorro, NM UFO case in which police officer Lonnie Zamora approached a shiny egg-shaped object with occupants, after it landed. Fox will screen his documentary I Know What I Saw and participate in a panel at the Sonoma International Film Festival this weekend. More info:
Today in Strangeness:

Two record-breaking disasters occurred on the date of March 27th. In 1964, the 'Good Friday Earthquake' killed 131 people in Alaska. Lasting almost five minutes, it was the most powerful recorded quake in U.S. history-- 8.4 on the Richter scale. In 1977, two 747s collided on a foggy runway in the Canary Islands in the worst accident in aviation history -- 583 died.

Coast to Coast AM Schedule 3.27.15 - 4.2.15:

Here's what's coming up in the next week!

Friday, March 27, 2015: Filling in for George, Richard Syrett welcomes guest(s) TBA in the first half. Followed by Open Lines.

Saturday, March 28, 2015: A remarkable discovery has emerged in astrophysics-- key properties of the universe have just the right values to make life possible. Most scientists prefer to explain away this uniqueness, insisting that a number of unseen universes must therefore exist, each randomly different. Astrophysicist Bernard Haisch joins George Knapp to propose the alternative - that the special properties of our universe reflect an underlying intelligence. In the second half, veteran journalist Chris Taylor will discuss how the Star Wars franchise has conquered our culture with a sense of lightness and exuberance, while remaining serious enough to influence politics, and spread a spirituality that appeals to religious groups and atheists alike.

6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 6/23/95 for one of Richard C. Hoagland's first show appearances. He addresses NASA's cover-up of the 'Face on Mars.'

Sunday, March 29, 2015: In the first half, George Knapp welcomes DNA expert, Melba Ketchum, who'll discuss her research on four giant and elongated skull samples, two giants from Lovelock Cave, and a huge tooth, which all may come from some type of mysterious giant-like species yet to be fully discovered. Followed by Emmy-award winning writer, Richard Dewhurst, who'll share his research which suggests North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants, and the Smithsonian has been actively suppressing the physical evidence for nearly 150 years.

Monday, March 30, 2015: Author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, will discuss his 35 years of experience exploring the weird and unexplained, including his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, and his new investigations into various entity encounters including the Djinn, UFOs, Shadow People and other humanoids.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015: Public interest attorney Steven M. Druker, as executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit that forced the FDA to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods. He'll discuss the biggest scientific fraud of our age - how politically appointed administrators have covered up the warnings of their own scientists about the risks of GMO foods. He'll cover how this elaborate fraud was crafted and how it not only deceived the general public, but Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and a host of other astute and influential individuals.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015: A graduate of Washington University in St. Louis and University of Miami in Law, Leon Bibi, has been obsessed with the study of human evolution and extraterrestrial intervention in the human experience. He'll present evidence that we are the product of ET genetic manipulation.

Thursday, April 2, 2015: First Half: Founder of Tiger Hill Capital, a Hong Kong based asset management company and corporate advisory company, Dan Collins, has lived in China for 15 years. He'll address how China's unprecedented industrial revolution has created massive wealth, as well as how they're moving into Africa to tap into the bounty of natural resources there. In the second half, expert in self-reliance and backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft, will discuss her work helping people to become more resilient by loosening their dependence on corporate agriculture, and setting up easy ways to produce food no matter how small their homes may be.

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