|  | March 25, 2015 | | On Today's Program Is Glenn really leaving the Republican party? Bill O'Reilly didn't think so, and he invited Glenn onto the show to explain why he was leaving and what he really believed. Despite being challenged by O'Reilly, Glenn stuck to his principles. He explained the ways the Republican establishment had failed the American people, why a Jeb Bush run for president is doomed to failure, and why he supports small government conservatives over blindly following the parties. MORE
The King of Cable News joined Glenn on radio today to talk about the film adaptation of his book, Killing Jesus. Glenn and Bill don't spare punches with one another, and it's another classic interview from these two cable news giants. Watch the interview HERE.
Grover Norquist has brushed off claims from conservative critics before - but this time he's not getting off so easy. Glenn presents the facts on Norquist's disturbing ties to the muslim brotherhood and Islamic extremists. You decide. Watch it tonight on the Glenn Beck Program - only on TheBlaze TV.
OMG you guys Ted Cruz is going on Obamacare! LOL! Did you see that message in your Facebook or Twitter feed today? Everyone in the media is making a huge deal over the fact that Ted Cruz and his family are signing up for Obamacare, but they're all missing the point. He doesn't have a choice. Glenn has the story and reaction on radio. MORE
Why is survival food selling out across the country? We tested the top survival food and you'll be shocked at what we found. Watch the controversial video before it disappears again. WATCH
The Terri Schiavo case was a big turning point for Glenn, his views on life, and the rights of the disabled. Back when he was a DJ in Florida, Terri Schiavo's story was making national headlines. She had been in a coma for ten years, and her husband wanted to remove her feeding tube. At the time, Glenn said on air that he sided with the husband and disagreed with her parents who wanted to keep their daughter alive. But, a listener called in and convinced him to think about it. A few days later, Glenn was back on radio telling people just how wrong he was. On radio this morning, Glenn spoke with Terri's brother Bobby Schindler about his sister and what he has done to fight for the rights of the disabled. WATCH
This little girl learns about nature the saddest way possible There's more to the circle of life than cartoon monkeys holding up baby lion kings on a mountain at sunset. Sadly, nature can be a brutal, unforgiving place. Your own backyard isn't even safe. The family that took this video learned this the hard way. They had been feeding the bunny for a week in their garage, and seconds after they finally set the baby free... MORE Is Glenn coming to your area? Glenn has speeches in Dallas and Philadelphia coming up in the next few days. Get all the details HERE. Tom Hanks crams every role he's ever played into six hilarious minutes Tom Hanks has a pretty good sense of humor. In this short video, he crams every role he's ever played into six minutes, and it is well worth looking at. WATCH TONIGHT 8PM ET, For The Record: Raw Deal Why are we letting big government and big business control how we choose to feed our families? This week, For the Record investigates the FDA and government abuse of power in food regulation. Find out how the government is colluding with big agriculture by raiding small farms and seizing food under the guise of health and public safety. WATCH | | | | |
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