Thursday, April 02, 2015

Borderland Beat

Borderland Beat

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Surviving gunfire attacks: updates on singers Javier Rosas and Alfredito Olivas

Posted: 01 Apr 2015 06:20 PM PDT

By Lucio R. Borderland Beat Facebook, Instagram and El Debate were used to write this post

This was posted on instagram 
Javier Rosas: Strange events surround an Instagram post

On Tuesday, on  singer Javier Rosas Instagram account, a photo of him was posted, with a message thanking everyone for their prayers and good wishes, and saying  he expects a recovery soon and has not discounted his return to singing.

He was seriously injured on March 22, in Culiacan Sinaloa, when the vehicle he was riding in came under a gunfire attack.  

He was riding with his brother, cousin and a friend.  The cousin and friend were killed, and he and his brother suffered life threatening injuries.

Then within minutes the photo and message was mysteriously removed. 

Today a cryptic message appeared on his face book page denouncing the Instagram post and asking for prayers for Rosas health.

A guess, would be that  those who act in his best interest, want to keep details close to the vest for security purposes.

Alfredito Olivas: "I thought I was a dead man"

Another singer who came under gunfire, this time occurring while he was on stage, Alfredito Olivas, spoke out a little about the attack that almost took his life.

It was on February 28, of this year, when gunshots rang out.  He thought at first the noise were from fireworks of some type..  He said he realized he was lying prostrate, but had no memory of falling, or why.

He  then saw blood pooling from his body and felt heat throughout his body, realizing then he had been  shot, he thought he was a dead man.  

He also claims he was a peace and felt no pain. He said his thoughts were on his daughter.

His condition was so critical he shared with a friend how and where he wanted to be buried.

He shares his fear of sicarios seeking him out while in the hospital and finishing the job, so he quickly transferred away from the area for his hospitalization and treatment.

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