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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Did Glenn Beck just say that?

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April 23, 2015
On Today's Program

Glenn has long been a libertarian leaning conservative, but he's consistently shied away from the more fiery arguments like legalizing hard core drugs, for example. Today on radio, however, Glenn seemed to open the door to the possibility that someday he might change his mind. Could Glenn be talked into legalizing marijuana? Check out his surprising take on radio today. MORE

Today is the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. In 1915, millions of Christians were targeted and massacred at the hands of Muslims as the Ottoman Empire sought to purify the nation. Now, 100 years later, history is repeating itself as ISIS continues their reign of terror, and once again Christians are the target. Don't miss a critical program ― now on demand. WATCH

Are the American people finally sick and tired of listening to power hungry politicians make promises they have no plans of keeping? Glenn dedicated the opening of last night's Glenn Beck Program to the American dynasty politicians, aka, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. See what Glenn had to say about the 'American Dynasty' of today. MORE

Glenn told a harrowing story on radio today about a woman who received an unwanted visit from child protective services after someone sent a 'tip' to the government agency. Is this all it takes in America today to send the government out to confiscate children? Scary stuff ― WATCH.

There has been a dramatic shift in how police operate in America during the past 15 years. There has been a disturbing trend of increased militarization ― just this month a student in Florida was pulled over by an armored vehicle for a traffic violation. More and more the government is training citizens to not only expect, but accept the fact that they will be policed by a battalion of soldiers rather than officers. MORE

For a while now, Glenn has been expressing true concern over the threat of mass Christian genocide at the hands of ISIS. This morning on radio, Glenn was joined by Johnnie Moore, author of Defying ISIS to discuss the real threat of radical Islam and the ongoing atrocities being enacted in the name of religion. If you think the threat only lies overseas, think again. LISTEN

Wow! Life of the Jetsons is not far off!
Glenn is constantly excited about advancements in technology. Just see him test drive a Tesla! When Glenn stumbled upon this video of an IKEA concept table he couldn't help but say "Cool!" WATCH

Matt Walsh to Christians: stop being a lazy coward
TheBlaze contributor Matt Walsh wrote a convicting piece this week challenging Christians in America who seemingly don't care all that much about the persecution of Christians happening overseas today. We've got it pretty good here in the states ― should believers be doing more to help those being persecuted overseas? READ

This super-cut of Hillary Clinton shows just how sincere and authentic she is... or not
A true woman of the people, Hillary Clinton went to New Hampshire to hear the concerns of everyday Americans. And you can tell how much she really cares based on her sincere, authentic reaction. Oh who are we kidding? She said "uh huh" 88 times like some kind of robot while real people tried to talk to her. The good news? This is the BEST the Democrats have to offer in 2016! Watch this unbelievable video and get Glenn's reaction HERE.

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