Thursday, April 02, 2015 - Thursday Apr 2 2015

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A Message from the Editor

Dear readers,

We have met the campaign goal thanks to the kindness of many readers. The entire LifeSite team says a huge Thank you and a blessed Easter to one and all!

If some still planned to make a contribution, please do so since the goal represented only the absolute minimum we require. It is still going to be financially very tight for us up to the next campaign.

The news just keeps pouring in about matters that we must publish. We have published many substantial reports today for you to peruse over the Easter weekend. As promised, Ben Johnson has a story today revealing how much our reporting meant to fired, faithful Catholic teacher Patricia Jannuzzi.

The unprecedented economic blackmail and bullying of persons and states by giant, militantly gay Internet and other corporations marks a new dark era in American history. Cowards and weak men in office are abounding. Ontario’s lesbian premier supports the travesty.

It is official now, faith has been moved to a very low place in the order of rights in the nation that has historically been a beacon of faith and to the world. Clerics have been a great disappointment. People of faith MUST now aggressively fight back against this new fascism or inevitably lose all their sacred freedoms and rights.

This is our Good Friday, but always be confident that Easter Sunday, the Resurrection, will occur in the culture. God does not abandon His people, but he does test them and permits correction of their negligence.

Those who read LifeSite are called to be redeeming leaven and light to this confused and lost world. Your faith, your witness, your courage, charity, kindness and willingness to embrace the cross can and will transform the world.

LifeSite will return on Tuesday as all staff celebrate and rest over the Easter weekend.

Steve Jalsevac
Co-Founder & Managing Director


Featured Image

Thu Apr 2, 2015 - 5:59 pm EST

Judge convicts UK evangelist for quoting Bible verses condemning homosexuality

By Thaddeus Baklinski

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Thu Apr 2, 2015 - 7:00 am EST

Study finds watching porn is 'normal' for a shockingly high number of British kids

By Thaddeus Baklinski

Featured Image

Thu Apr 2, 2015 - 10:34 am EST

When our reporter called this Catholic teacher fired for defending marriage, she broke down in tears

By Ben Johnson

Top News

UK Christians afraid to come out of the closet: Equality Commission

The report is too little, too late, say religious freedom advocates.

By Hilary White

Bishop of French military slapped down for calling abortion a 'weapon of mass destruction'

'Islamic ideology has just taken 17 lives in France,' the bishop said of the Charlie Hebdo attack. 'But the ideology of 'correct thought' takes 200,000 lives in their mothers' wombs every year.'

By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent

The fake news story that forced an Indiana pizzeria to shut down and its Christian owners into hiding

ABC claimed Memories Pizza was the 'first business to publicly deny same-sex service,' but the owners emphasize that everyone is welcome in their restaurant.

By Lisa Bourne

Amidst gay activist pressure, Arkansas governor says he won't sign religious freedom bill as passed

Gay activists have stirred up national outrage with noisy accusations of bigotry and discrimination against both Arkansas and Indiana.

By Kirsten Andersen

Canadian court drops charges against reverend for preaching in public without a permit

"It was Rev. Lynn's victory. But really it's a victory for all of us, too."

By Thaddeus Baklinski

The Pulse

Mgr Michel Schooyans: The new ‘betrayal by clerics’ endangers the entire human community

Faced with the powers which are currently undermining the family, the Church should discover in itself the vocation to be the sole authority in a position to save human sexuality and the natural institution of marriage and the family.

By Voice of the Family


Are we being Gaslighted by gender ideologues?

There is no 'gender ideology,' and if you say there is, you're just evil… and Catholic …and rightwing and probably a promoter of hate.

By Hilary White

Tim Cook, mainstream media and the LGBT brigade

Discrimination is only 'evil' when the intolerant left has decided who and what is equal (which clearly doesn't include the unborn, Christians, or us self-loathing conservative black folk.)

By Ryan Bomberger


Why I would never let my kids go to WE Day

The Kielburgers' idea of 'social change' is revealed by the kinds of speakers and entertainers they hold up as role models for children.

By Pete Baklinski

Can Christianity survive the Sexual Revolution?

The church's failing now is lacking the courage to apply its doctrine in the face of a defiant and politicized sexual immorality.

By Stephen Baskerville

Maundy Thursday and the marriage battle

We can and we must offer both the truth about marriage and the grace of God to all of our neighbors, including those with same-sex attraction.

By John Stonestreet

Gay 'rights' will trump religious liberty if new 'fix' on Indiana bill is passed

Sexual orientation and gender identity laws do not protect equality before the law. Instead, they create special privileges that are enforceable against private actors.

By Ryan T. Anderson

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