
(Paving the way for NARRG's Roadmap to Trial)

By Brian Wilson, NARRG Legal Liaison

NARRG's Virginia Attorney and one of our Eastern NARRG team members attended the Third Court Hearing for the Legal Case of National Alliance, Pierce, et al. Plaintiffs vs. Gliebe, et al. Defendants on Friday March 27, 2015 in Virginia.  Defendant Erich Gliebe did not show up, but was represented at the hearing by his newly hired attorney.  For the record, the lack of appearance at the hearing of any official representative of the current NA Corporation, (under the Chairmanship of Will Williams), was duly noted by the Court as a no show that day.

Defendants Jayne Cartwright and Ryan Maziarka also did not appear at the hearing.  It should be noted that Jayne Cartwright was formerly Treasurer of the NA Corporation while Gliebe was Chairman, and now serves as NA Corporation Secretary under the current Chairman Williams.

There were two motions that day regarding the failure by the Will Williams run National Alliance Corporation and lawsuit defendant's Gliebe, et al. to comply with Discovery of Documents and Depositions.  In a nutshell, NARRG achieved everything that was expected at this Initial Corporate Sanction hearing on Mar 27, 2015.

The first motion was the initiation of Court Sanctions against both the Williams National Alliance Corporation and Defendant Erich Gliebe.  As a planned strategy by NARRG, in order to foster a resolution to the Discovery compliance issue to occur, the final Sanctions Hearing was temporarily postponed to the next hearing where it will be addressed further and should be successfully resolved at this Fourth hearing.

The second motion heard was the Motion to Compel (production of Documents and failure to appear at Deposition). This motion was resolved by a Contempt Order against the NA Corporation for failure to comply with the Motion to Compel.

Note that the NA Corporation continues to ignore NARRG's legal discovery process including not complying with the subpoena of documents and also failure to show for deposition.  As a result of the no show by the NA Corporation at this hearing, further motions for Sanctions, and other pretrial motions, etc., will be heard at the next hearing.

Thus, the NARRG team continues on with its legal council's studied roadmap, with further preparations for trial being planned. Note, this brief summary is an outline only, as Attorney Client privilege prevents further disclosure to the public.

The entire NARRG team continues in its resolve to have Justice prevail, and continues on with fortitude towards that goal.  If you agree with NARRG's vision for the future of the National Alliance, please consider giving a monetary gift to this legal endeavor.  Note all monetary gifts go 100% towards the payment of legal services only.  All NARRG team members and supporters are volunteers and receive no compensation, nor reimbursement for their gifts of time, finances, or expenses incurred.

To learn more about our vision for proper corporate management of the National Alliance vs. the failed management style of Erich Gliebe and continuation of it under his personally chosen successor Will Williams, see our Pledge of Intent for a general outline of what we envision for a more business-like approach to managing the corporation. The days of running the National Alliance as the personal private club of a sitting chairman for life are soon to be over.

Thanks to all the former members and supporters for helping us carry this fight forward. Your wonderful assistance is what has gotten us this far in prying away the clutching fingers of these embarrassing relics of the "scene" from the only thing that can represent our people.

This fight, after all, is an investment for the future. There are millions of working class families and professionals awaiting us.