Wednesday, May 27, 2015

CoastZone: End Times - Ancient Astronomy

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May 27, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
End Times:

In the first half of Tuesday's show, founder of End Time Ministries, Rev. Irvin Baxter, discussed prophecies in the Book of Revelation that seven trumpets will sound before the end of the age, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. He believes five of the seven have already sounded. The first trumpet was WWI, the second was WWII, while the third was the Chernobyl accident (referred to as "Wormwood" in the Bible), and the fourth was the fall of the Berlin Wall, he suggested. The fifth trumpet sounded during the Gulf War-- the Bible speaks of smoke from a bottomless pit of fire that blocks the sun, which Baxter correlated with the oil well fires around Kuwait.

According to his interpretation, the sixth trumpet will sound and four angels will emanate from the Euphrates River in the Middle East, which will mark the beginning of WWIII, in which one third of the Earth's population will die. In the wake of this war, he says prophecy foresees the rise of Europe as the center of world power and the recreation of the Roman empire, as well as the home of the Antichrist (leader of the one-world religion), and the False Prophet (leader of the one-world government). This will also be the time when the 'Mark of the Beast' (likely an ID number) will be required to buy and sell, as well as a pledge of allegiance to this new world order, he warned.
Ancient Astronomy:

One of the world's leading researchers of freemasonry, sacred geometry and ancient astronomy, Christopher Knight , discussed his latest work which makes the case for a deliberate design to the universe using detailed astronomical data which he uncovered while researching the science of the Neolithic (late Stone Age) people of Western Europe. The development of intelligent life is the result of extremely rare circumstances, and it's likely Earth may be the only planet where such conditions occurred, he remarked.

Ancient structures like Stonehenge show incredibly accurate systems of measurement, and a deep understanding of nature, beyond what we have today, said Knight, adding that their measurements reveal a connection between the Earth, the sun, and moon not seen elsewhere. This led Knight to conclude "there was a super-creator that created the Earth, moon, and sun for the purpose of producing humans." He also delved into his research into who built the moon, explaining that it appears to be an artificial structure that was constructed for the express purpose of fostering life on Earth. He postulated that humans, time traveling from the future, might have created it.
Blast from the Past:

This week our two free audio clips go back a decade to May 2004, when William Bramley, the author of The Gods of Eden, shared his hypothesis that extraterrestrial visitors have conspired to dominate mankind through secret societies and religions, and Prof. David M. Jacobs argued that the purpose of alien abductions has been to create a race of hybrids.

Today in Strangeness:

The 'laziest man in history,' a wealthy English heir named Jeremiah Carlton, went to bed and stayed there for 70 years. He died on today's date in 1790 at age 89. On May 27, 1994, the highest temperature created by humans, a balmy 920,000,000 F degrees (30 times hotter than the center of the sun) was produced at  the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Tonight's Show, Wednesday, May 27th:

First Half: Independent researcher Peter A. Kirby has been a student of alternative media narratives which has opened his eyes to the possibility that outcomes can be engineered by vested interests to appear as natural and random. He claims that the epic drought in the West is probably the result of geo-engineering and chemtrails.

2nd Half: For 25 years Robert Perala has been researching metaphysics, the origin of the soul, Earth-based anomalies, extraterrestrial science, and NDEs. He'll discuss a variety of subjects including "The Strange Case of Mr. D," a man in Poland who has been receiving ET transmissions for over 10 years, and a photo of an ET figure taken by Jeff Grenshaw that closely resembles the beings he saw during his own abduction in 1977.
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