Tuesday, May 26, 2015

L.E.A.R.N Northeast Newsletter Update

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Quincy Adams

Dear Supporter of LEARN,

We literately are on the threshold of amending the constitution to include the redefining of the first institution, marriage.  This is not claiming ignorance as it was in 1973 of the Roe Vs Wade decision of not knowing when life began thus granting the public to kill their children in the womb. This is the willful altering of an age old institution due to special interest influence. Can we survive? Yes, as long as the church refuses to capitulate which would then render the constitution inadequate and inapplicable according to John Adams. Resistance and the demand for religious freedom must be a priority. If America is swayed we then have redefined America and no longer should be considered or aspiring to be a moral and religious people.

It was also John Adams that recognized the Hebrew people for ushering God's standard to the world from which we perceive morality the laws of the scriptures. " If ( that's a big if at this point) my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14  

Our service here at LEARN is to wake up America and especially the African American community to its impending judgment if we don't turn from our wicked ways. The shedding of innocent blood pollutes the land and needless to say our land needs healing. Please help us in what we do to turn America back to God and return to the road of righteousness. 

Make Checks Payable to Learn Northeast Mailing address is PO BOX 157 Montclair NJ. 07042 You can give on line at our secure website Donate Here!

"All Black Life Matters" project by LEARN (Life Education and Resource Network) was featured last week on the Alex Jones Show. Alex knows of my work with the high disproportionate rate of abortion in the Black community. He had no idea that I was heading that project for LEARN and CBR and utilizing my church to facilitate the process. Believe it or not he was so enamored with the concept he had an "All Black Life Matters" rally in front of the Planned Parenthood in Austin, Texas.  Watch Video!

Kermit Gosnells un-repented and Thus Unforgiving; I remember being in the court room at the request of Pro-life activist Day Garner. I remember the empty rows and the defiant smug look on Kermit Gosnells face as he would come in and out of the court room during recesses. Day said we have to have a press conference or something to ask, why no media? We did.  I remember standing in front of my auxiliary church pulpit in front of the courtroom with Day Gardner, Rev Patrick Mahoney, and Marie Tasey of New Jersey Right to Life. Our cry was, "Where is the outcry from the church and coverage from media' Our prayers for that were quickly answered but I realize we still need to pray for an elderly diabolical predator who hopefully will find Jesus behind the prison bars he will be for the rest of his life. Read Article!

Remember, we are to remain Christian at all cost as we engage the masses for the right to life of the unborn. We will not succeed in our quest if we become hostile and belligerent. My reflections often of the civil rights movement lead me to listen to the sermons of the greatest preacher social activist, Martin Luther King. Listen in on a program I did recently. You can listen online at our website www.blackgenocide.org or if you are in the NYC area 620 AM.   Listen to Martin Luther King "Loving Your Enemies"

Thank You In Advance,

Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.

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L.E.A.R.N Northeast – P.O Box 157 – Montclair, NJ 07042 – 866-242-4997
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L.E.A.R.N Northeast, Inc. all rights reserved.

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L.E.A.R.N · P.O Box 157 · Montclair, NJ 07042 · USA

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