Saturday, May 23, 2015

Posts from Conservative Daily News for 05/23/2015

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May 22, 2015 07:16 pm | A.F. Branco

California Scheming – A.F. Branco


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May 22, 2015 01:41 pm | R. Mitchell

A Salute for Memorial Day

  To those that have sacrificed, suffered or died for our freedoms – Thank You.
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May 21, 2015 07:01 pm | CDN Editorial Staff

Generation Opportunity: Let Section 215 Expire

Washington, DC – (5/20/15) – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday that the Senate will vote this week to extend Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, which has been used by the National Security Agency (NSA) and other intelligence agencies to justify the bulk collection of domestic phone records. Earlier this month, a federal appeals court ruled that Section 215 cannot be legitimately interpreted to allow
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May 21, 2015 05:08 pm | A.F. Branco

Looney Tune Strategy


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May 21, 2015 05:06 pm | A.F. Branco

Iraq Legacy


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May 21, 2015 04:15 pm | R. Mitchell

Lots of Weak Economic Data Today

The latest economic reports show a slowing in the U.S. economy that “experts” had failed to see coming. Today, the National Association of Realtors released their report on the sales of existing homes. The number of previously-owned homes that sold dropped 3.3% where analysts had expected a slight increase. Unemployment filings increased more than expected last week according to a report released
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