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Thursday, June 25, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 06/25/2015

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Obama to White House LGBT heckler: You're in my house
6/25/2015 8:01:23 AM  Ed Morrissey
Actually, I prefer Popehat’s coverage to that of other media: Occupant of public housing speaks disparagingly toward LGBT immigrant activist, calls for police to silence her discourse. — Popehat (@Popehat) June 25, 2015 Barack Obama hosted

Quotes of the day
6/24/2015 10:41:35 PM  Allahpundit
The debate over the rebel flag that began anew after last week’s church shootings in Charleston, S.C., has morphed into a full-blown Confederate controversy. While Stars and Bars have long been associated by many with slavery, the latest campaign

Audio: Mark Levin recommends End of Discussion, tells MKH to "keep kicking butt"
6/24/2015 10:01:25 PM  Guy Benson
Perhaps you’ve heard that Mary Katharine and I have a new book out called End of Discussion. What’s that? You haven’t? Take it away, Mark Levin: “It’s a tremendous book…you really outta get a copy of it. The timing

NY Post film critic: It's about time we retired "Gone With the Wind" too, don't you think?
6/24/2015 9:21:49 PM  Allahpundit
I can’t lie. Purely as a matter of professional self-interest, I’m keen to see which exciting new directions this unleashed impulse towards cultural purging takes us in over the next days and weeks. It’s a bloggy gold mine, my friends.

Wyoming federal judge blocks federal fracking rules
6/24/2015 8:41:51 PM  Jazz Shaw
The new Bureau of Land Management rules regarding fracking on federal lands were just about to go into effect this month, pleasing environmental activists no end since it would make the process essentially untenable. But several states, along with energy

Schumer: Hey, who's up for a Hillary-imposed carbon tax?
6/24/2015 8:01:23 PM  Ed Morrissey
Who wouldn’t be? Well, Hillary Clinton for one, at least while on the campaign trail. Chuck Schumer’s proposal for a new revenue stream for Washington DC became so toxic that Barack Obama dropped it years ago, but now Schumer wants to revive

Video: We're finally going to get a hoverboard
6/24/2015 7:21:19 PM  Jazz Shaw
Toyota is ready to take us back to the future at long last. The company allegedly has a working prototype of a hoverboard, so bust out your poodle skirts and vintage rock and roll vinyls. Let’s light this candle. Watch out, world. Toyota is heading

YouGov poll: Whites more likely than blacks to reject Rachel Dolezal's identity as "black"
6/24/2015 6:41:05 PM  Allahpundit
A fascinating poll through and through. If you’re bored and looking for something interesting to munch on, scroll through here and note the results to each question according to racial and partisan ID. Before I saw the topline numbers, I assumed

Hagan bows out of 2016 Senate challenge to Burr
6/24/2015 6:01:00 PM  Ed Morrissey
And just like that, the Democratic Party’s problems in 2016 become more obvious than ever. Republicans won the 2010 Senate sweepstakes, not by enough to take control of the upper chamber, but enough to leave their new majority at risk in the

Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb: Let's settle down about the Confederate flag, okay?
6/24/2015 5:21:20 PM  Allahpundit
He launched a presidential exploratory committee eight months ago and I don’t think I’ve seen a single TV interview with him since. For a guy who’s been keeping an oddly low profile, this is an … interesting way to raise it. Which

Open thread: Bobby Jindal to announce he's running for (vice) president
6/24/2015 4:41:33 PM  Allahpundit
The formal announcement’s set for 5 p.m. ET but he’s already made his intentions plain on his website. He’s a fab candidate on paper — youth, an intriguing racial narrative, executive and legislative experience, and a wonky mind

Scott Walker defies gravity, will sign two new gun rights bills
6/24/2015 4:01:35 PM  Jazz Shaw
I may have had my own disputes with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on issues regarding subsidies and energy policy, but I have to offer a tip of my hat to the man on this one. If there was ever a moment in time when every Republican in the country was

Video: Famed Rolling Stone cover boy apologizes to Boston victims, gets death penalty
6/24/2015 3:21:56 PM  Ed Morrissey
When news first broke that Dzokhar Tsarnaev would speak to the court in his sentencing hearing today, some wondered if the convicted terrorist behind the Boston Marathon bombing had finally decided to use the trial as a platform for jihadi propaganda.

Here it comes: Manchin and Toomey looking at another run at background checks
6/24/2015 2:41:23 PM  Jazz Shaw
Don’t worry, guys. It’s just a flag, right? If you give in on that one it’s not like the Liberals would go all opportunistic, vulture culture and try to take a mile after you give them an inch, would they? Item 1 of 2: You may have

Video: Obama announces end of prosecutions for families who pay ransom to terrorists
6/24/2015 2:01:01 PM  Ed Morrissey
“No family of an American hostage has ever been prosecuted” for attempting to pay a ransom to win them back, Barack Obama declared near the end of his address on changes in hostage policy. Obama had earlier announced that a new executive

Now it's serious: No more "Dukes of Hazzard" toys with the Confederate flag on the General Lee
6/24/2015 1:21:58 PM  Allahpundit
“Bo.” “Yeah, Luke?” “Y’ever wonder why we don’t have any black friends?” This is “progress,” I suppose, but not until the Duke boys are finally caught will we truly be able to declare victory

SecDef: Oh, wouldn't it be nice to close Gitmo, in the evening of Obama's term?
6/24/2015 12:41:47 PM  Ed Morrissey
Perhaps our definition of “nice” differs from that of Defense Secretary Ash Carter. “Nice” would be preventing the return of jihadists to the battlefields rather than releasing them out of some misguided idea that closing the

CNN anchor on Confederate flag: Should the Jefferson Memorial come down too?
6/24/2015 12:01:18 PM  Allahpundit
Via Jerome Hudson, I can’t tell if she’s making this point earnestly or rhetorically. If she’s speaking rhetorically, to emphasize that it’s ridiculous to try to purge all traces of racism from American history, she probably

Elizabeth Warren continues to politely beat up on Bill, Hillary and Obama
6/24/2015 11:21:19 AM  Jazz Shaw
Every time I see yet another story like this one I keep asking myself the same question: why isn’t Liz Warren running for president? I mean, if she’s willing to basically go on the attack against Hillary Clinton (not to mention Bill Clinton

Sacre bleu! France summons US ambassador over NSA surveillance of past three presidents
6/24/2015 10:41:50 AM  Ed Morrissey
The files of Edward Snowden continue to bring all sorts of damage to US intelligence and diplomacy. First came the documents that showed US intelligence had conducted surveillance in Germany, which led to months of strained diplomacy. Today it’s

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Breaking: Supreme Court upholds federal subsidies for ObamaCare, 6-3
Supreme Court: You can get sued for segregated housing, even if the segregation isn't deliberate
Southern Christians will need to do more than take down that flag
Bobby Jindal's plan to stop being a punchline and actually win
Hmmm: Bernie Sanders now gaining on Hillary in Iowa too
Behind John Boehner's crackdown on conservatives
Walker: Obama has no plan on Obamacare
Former Obama advisers warn that Iran nuke deal may "fall short" of standards
Why don't the poor rise up?
Atheism must be about more than not believing in God


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