Wednesday, June 03, 2015

RE: Development At Cheapest Rate


Hope you are doing well.
I was wondering if you got a chance to review my previous email. Understandably, you must have been running a very busy schedule and could not connect earlier.

Do let me know if you are willing to discuss a possible redesigning/redevelopment of your website or designing new website. I can send you more details on the packages/action/Portfolio/past work details. 

I hope to hear from you soon and plan further correspondence.


Have a great day ahead.




From: Joy [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 7:57 PM

Subject: Development At Cheapest Rate


I found your web contact ”” from Internet. I would like to discuss a business opportunity with you.


From mobile browsers to notebooks and tablets, users are visiting your website from a wide range of devices and browsers. 


Are your designs ready?


Responsive Design is an approach to web development which makes the website design compatible across devices like smart phones, I Pads and other tablets. This coding practice gives the website the exact look on the mobile devices as on laptops or desktops.


Off-late a large percentage of our clients are demanding responsive designs for their websites. We've honed our skills in responsive design implementation.

What we offer:

    ü  Responsive design implementation


    ü  Compatibility with all browser sizes


    ü  No functionality loss


    ü  Mobile compatibility


    ü  CMS independence


We strongly recommend having responsive websites as it greatly enhances user experience regardless of the size of the user's display or limitations of the device.


Contact us if you have any requirement!





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