Thursday, June 25, 2015

Townhall Daily - June 25 - Ann Coulter, Todd Starnes, Victor Davis Hanson, Derek Hunter, Larry Elder and More

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Columnists Tipsheet News Cartoons Videos
There's a Reason We Mostly Hear About White 'Micro-Aggressions'
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
The Dukes of Hazzard Just Got Culturally Cleansed
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
Why Greece Won't Pay
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
Put It All in One Big Museum
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
The Meaning of Charleston
Larry Elder
Larry Elder
The Pope, the Globe, and the Facts
Cal Thomas
Cal  Thomas
Prejudice Wrong Belief System, But Not Part of Country's DNA
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Will Suicide Bill Die a Natural Death?
Debra J. Saunders
Debra J. Saunders
New Poll Backs View to Leave Confederate Battle Flag in Rear Window
Matt Towery
Matt Towery
Blacks Must Refuse to Accept Form Over Substance
Autry J. Pruitt
Autry J.  Pruitt
Breitbart Flail: Rove Stood His Ground
Arthur Schaper
Arthur  Schaper
New Faces in the Race
Emmett Tyrrell
Emmett Tyrrell
Half-Measures Against Putin
Steve Chapman
Steve Chapman
The Challenge: Missing the Point
Rebecca Hagelin
Rebecca Hagelin
How to Exacerbate the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Cliff May
Cliff May
Why Spy on France?
Tom Purcell
Tom Purcell
Politics, Poverty and the Pope
Laura Hollis
Laura Hollis
Dylann Roof, the Confederate Flag, and the Logic of the Left
Jack Kerwick
Jack Kerwick
Blind to Distinction: HRC v JEB
John Warren
John Warren
States Are Finally Changing How They Rate School Performance and the Left Isn't Happy About It
Justin Haskins
Justin  Haskins
More Columnists
Video The U.S. Navy spends millions to keep running Windows XP
Video Syria's Nusra Front Underlines Al Qaeda Link in Audio Message
Video Searchers Comb Woods For Escaped NY Inmates
Video US Place 250 Tanks in Eastern Europe to Counter Russians
Jindal Enters 2016 Race, Says Jeb Bush Isn't Conservative Enough
Daniel Doherty
Daniel Doherty
Obama Gets Fast Track Authority For Trans-Pacific Partnership
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Game Time: Chris Christie Set to Announce Presidential Bid Next Week
Daniel Davis
Daniel Davis
Good News: The IRS Awarded Contracts To Companies That Owed Taxes
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Audio: Mark Levin Torches the Left's 'End of Discussion' Silencing Culture
Guy Benson
Guy Benson
More Tipsheet
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Washington Post Blogger Suggests Firearms Aren't a Deterrent To Crime If Criminals Aren't Killed | Bob Owens
EMPIRE STATE REBELLION: New Yorkers REFUSED To Register More than 95-Percent Of "Assault Weapons" | Bob Owens
Open Carrier Terrorizes Three Stores In Mississippi, Is Lucky To Have Avoided Being Shot | Bob Owens
12 Y/O BLASTS Obama's Gun Control Grandstanding After Charleston Terror Attack | Bob Owens
Are Hockey Pucks – BULLETPROOF? | Bob Owens
Political News
Burundi's 2nd vice president flees amid political tensions | AP News
Watch out for aggressive, big bird, Britons told | Reuters News
London mayor suggests $15 billion 'megafund' to boost biotech | Reuters News
Rwandans protest as spy chief faces London court on war crimes charges | Reuters News
Top consumer brands pledge to halve food waste by 2025 | Reuters News
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