Thursday, June 25, 2015

Townhall PM - Supreme Court Hands Obamacare Another Victory - June 25, 2015

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  Must Reads  
Obamacare Subsidies Upheld By Supreme Court 6-3
Katie Pavlich
The Supreme Court has ruled in a 6-3 decision on King v. Burwell that individuals living in states without state based Obamacare exchanges are eligible to receive federal healthcare subsidies.
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IRS Deleted Hundreds of Back-up Tapes Containing Thousands of Lerner Emails After Congressional Subpeona Was Issued
Katie Pavlich
Sanders: Families Who Use Guns for Leisure 'Should Not Be Condemned'
Cortney O'Brien
Bloomberg's Everytown Falsely Claims Credit Belonging to Gun Industry For Improvement in Background Check System
Katie Pavlich
Jindal Enters 2016 Race, Says Jeb Bush Isn't Conservative Enough
Daniel Doherty
Obama Gets Fast Track Authority For Trans-Pacific Partnership
Matt Vespa
Good News: The IRS Awarded Contracts To Companies That Owed Taxes
Matt Vespa
Whining is For Duffers, Not Pros
Michael Reagan
Sometimes you just have to get away from politics, if even for half a weekend.
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VIDEO: U.S. Airs Concerns Over Cyber Security in China Meetings
Officials host Chinese delegates for a banquet on the sidelines of a U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, DC.
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I'm Called Stupid For Rejecting 'Female' Fathers
Michael Brown
I had some remarkable interaction on Twitter this past Tuesday night. Not only was it eye-opening, it also provided a window into the mass confusion that is affecting our society.
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VIDEO: Obama Calls Hollande to Promise NSA is no Longer Spying on French President
Barack Obama has assured the French president, Francois Hollande, that American intelligence services are no longer tapping his phone.
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The Meaning of Charleston
Larry Elder
The differences between Birmingham in 1963 and Charleston in 2015 are staggering.
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VIDEO: Kerry Tells Iran Foreign Minister - the Past Does Matter
Officials said Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned Iran's foreign minister in recent days to tell him that Tehran must answer questions about whether its past atomic research was arms-related.
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ROUNDUP: 2016 Candidate Reactions to King v. Burwell Decision
Christine Rousselle
Here's how the people who want to be president in 2016 reacted to today's Supreme Court decision on King v. Burwell.
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Obama at Presser: My Health Care Law is "Here To Stay"
Daniel Doherty
President Obama convened a press conference at the White House, basking in his latest SCOTUS victory and implying Republicans everywhere should give up their quixotic efforts to repeal the law.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
ISIS Seeks 'Cyber Caliphate'
Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis
Medical Costs Drive Record High Number of Americans to Delay Treatment
Sarah Jean Seman
Sarah Jean Seman
There's a Reason We Mostly Hear About White 'Micro-Aggressions'
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Why Greece Won't Pay
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
Put It All in One Big Museum
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
A Moral World Requires Moral Violence
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
Prejudice Wrong Belief System, But Not Part of Country's DNA
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Will Suicide Bill Die a Natural Death?
Debra J. Saunders
Debra J. Saunders
Blacks Must Refuse to Accept Form Over Substance
Autry J. Pruitt
Autry J.  Pruitt
New Poll Backs View to Leave Confederate Battle Flag in Rear Window
Matt Towery
Matt Towery
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Washington Post Blogger Suggests Firearms Aren't a Deterrent To Crime If Criminals Aren't Killed | Bob Owens
EMPIRE STATE REBELLION: New Yorkers REFUSED To Register More than 95-Percent Of "Assault Weapons" | Bob Owens
Open Carrier Terrorizes Three Stores In Mississippi, Is Lucky To Have Avoided Being Shot | Bob Owens
12 Y/O BLASTS Obama's Gun Control Grandstanding After Charleston Terror Attack | Bob Owens
Are Hockey Pucks – BULLETPROOF? | Bob Owens
Political News
Obama health care law survives second Supreme Court fight | AP News
Health ruling relieves consumers; GOP states remain critical | AP News
House GOP revokes punishment for lawmaker who defied leaders | AP News
To sway regulators, Charter pledges to play nice on Internet | AP News
6.3 quake strikes off New Zealand's Kermadec islands: USGS | Reuters News
Obamacare in Full Effect
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