Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Will Joe Biden Run?

Will Joe Biden Run?

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To say it has been an exciting week here at Draft Biden is an understatement. On Saturday, we hosted an event in Davenport and our audience dwarfed a Republican event across town!

Folks in Iowa and across the country are asking the same question: Will Vice President Joe Biden run for President in 2016?
We were all very excited last Wednesday, when
two sources close to Vice President Biden reported that Joe will be deciding whether or not to enter the race by August!
on Friday, the New York times wrote at length about our organization's growth and the momentum building behind all of us who want Joe to run for President.
"Some Democrats wonder whether Mr. Biden, 72, who served 36 years in the Senate and ran for president in 1988 and 2008, might emerge from the tragedy recommitted to public service and give another look at a third presidential bid."
We can't do any of this without your financial support. Please contribute whatever you can today, every little bit helps

For anyone who contributes $10, we will send you one of our brand new drink koozie's so you can show your friends and coworkers your support for Joe!

Also, our book raffle is still under way until Saturday! Every contribution of $20.16 or  more before midnight on June 27th earns an entry into a drawing for a Joe Biden autographed copy of "Promises to Keep".
Over the last few months we have heard the call of over 100,000 Americans urging Joe to run for President. So many potential supporters are waiting for a hint from the Vice President telling us, "I'll be right there with him if he does run."
Well now we have a path. We have a little over one month to show the country that we are ready for Joe. More importantly, we have an opportunity to show the Vice President that we are ready to stand with him when he does announce.
Of the announced and considering candidates, Joe is already polling at second place in the early states. With an announcement and your support, we have no doubt his numbers would soar.
Let's show Joe Biden today that we are ready for him. Let's show him he has the support he needs to launch a Presidential bid. In order to do that we need everyone to pitch in.
There are so many ways you can help. First, if you haven't signed our petition, please be sure
to join the 100,000 Americans who already have.

Also be sure to share the petition with everyone you know. Share on
Facebook and Twitter.

Whatever you can do to help, now is the time to act. You better believe the Vice President is watching what we do. He wants to know if we are ready. Let's show him that our answer is a resounding YES!
Will Pierce
Executive Director

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Paid for by Draft Biden 2016. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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