Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Your gift today is worth double

Dear Fellow Conservative,

I wanted to send you an update on the progress you've made toward this week's Reclaim America goal.

This bold plan is unlike anything Heritage — or any other policy group — has ever attempted. This plan will restore the conservative principles of the American Founding and deal a major blow to the radical Left and the entrenched Washington Establishment. Be part of it today by donating now.

To stay on course with this ambitious campaign, we must meet our $1.2 million goal by midnight on Thursday. So far, you and your fellow conservatives have generously donated more than $1 million to help reclaim America. And two generous Heritage donors were so inspired by you, they’ve issued a matching gift challenge to support key elements of our expansion.

That means every dollar you give from now until midnight Thursday will be worth double to Heritage!

Click here to donate and learn more about Reclaim America -- the revolutionary campaign from The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America

Will you join us -- to help Reclaim America?

None of what we do at Heritage would be possible without your support. Thank you in advance for your commitment to reclaiming America.


Jim DeMint

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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