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view it online. | September 1, 2015 |  | | Dear Alejandro,
Discover what eco-systems are and how to make them work for you! Because they can transform business operations and customer experiences through value-creating collaboration, eco-systems are on the rise and raising many questions. For example: What is fueling the growth of eco-systems? Are traditional software and data center environments appropriate for these new collaborative models? Have any best practices begun to emerge? Register for our next Charting Your Analytical Future webinar, on September 10 at 11:00 AM ET, and discover why business intelligence on cloud is considered a leading solution for supporting ways eco-systems interact with, and create value for, each other. You'll learn about: - Four emerging archetypes for effective orchestration within eco-systems
- How to create collaborative environments for reporting and analysis that are also secure
- What challenges you may face when collaborating across value chains
Register today for our Sept 10 webinar to learn more about building and using successful eco-systems.  About Charting Your Analytical Future | |
| | Your Presenters | Steven Davidson, Partner, Vice President, Strategy & Business Analytics, IBM Global Business Services Matthew Mikell, Portfolio Manager, Business Intelligence on Cloud, IBM Analytics Join us on LinkedIn! The Business Intelligence and Analytics Best Practices Group
Stay Connected!
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