Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cisco: Mobile data traffic to grow 66-fold by 2013; Details of "Project California" revealed

Cisco says video will account for 64% of traffic
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Automate Diskless Server Deployment
Until now, SAN boot adoption has been hindered by a tedious manual configuration process. The adoption of diskless server boot from SAN-based storage results in reduced power and cooling costs, improved reliability, rapid server provisioning, quick recovery from server failure, simplified disaster recovery, easier centralized management, and easy server repurposing.


Spotlight Story
Cisco: Mobile data traffic to grow 66-fold by 2013

Brad Reed By Brad Reed
A new report published by Cisco says that mobile Web traffic volume will double every year between now and 2013, when traffic will total roughly 2.2 million terabytes per month. Read full story

Related News:

Details of "Project California" revealed Cisco Subnet: Reports have surfaced that Cisco plans to introduce its "California" blade server at an event in San Francisco on March 16.

Cisco is a fast mover on the Fast Company 50 Cisco was recently recognized for its innovation with prominent placement at No. 5 on the Fast Company 50, a huge improvement over last year's showing at No. 37.

Cisco proposes blueprint for intelligent urbanization Cisco proposed Thursday a blueprint for "intelligent urbanization", using the network as a utility for integrated city management.

SolarWinds offers free Cisco IP SLA monitoring tool Lacking budget dollars for new network management tools? SolarWinds says its technology can help.

WebEx comes to Blackberry, Symbian, Windows Mobile smartphones Cisco is releasing WebEx software for a whole slew of 3G or Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones.

Mr. Warmth, comedian Don Rickles: Are Cisco employees hockey pucks? So, you think you know Brad Reese? Here's a story from his youthful days that is strangely linked to Cisco's latest cost-cutting initiatives.

Cisco Adds Features to Firewall Services Module February 9, Cisco released Firewall Services Module (FWSM) software for the 6500 switch and Cisco Subnet blogger Scott Hogg explains the new features.

Is Cisco short of cash in the U.S.? Cisco Subnet blogger Brad Reese makes the case that offshore cash goes hand-in-hand with overseas outsourcing.

Blue Gears - DMZ w/5 Physical NICs with VMware ESX Cisco Subnet blogger Edward Haletky says that virtualization hosts with only 5 pNICs who want to include a DMZ and other networks present a challenge and face a performance vs. security trade-off.

Summing up RF math (no pun intended) Readers had many questions for Brandon Carroll's tutorial on access points and the RF engineering that make them work.

February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
Up for grabs: One American Express gift card worth $250 from Global Knowledge; One Microsoft training course worth $2,995 from Global Knowledge; 15 copies each of the hot book titles Voice over IP Security, and CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide and 15 copies of Exchange Server 2007 How-To: Real Solutions for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Administrators. Get all the entry details here.

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

Sponsored by Brocade

Automate Diskless Server Deployment
Until now, SAN boot adoption has been hindered by a tedious manual configuration process. The adoption of diskless server boot from SAN-based storage results in reduced power and cooling costs, improved reliability, rapid server provisioning, quick recovery from server failure, simplified disaster recovery, easier centralized management, and easy server repurposing.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Vodafone to sell second HTC Google phone
  2. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  3. Microsoft announces $250,000 Conflicker worm bounty
  4. Huawei unveils first Android smartphone
  5. How to build your own supercomputer
  6. Largest coordinated ATM rip-off ever nets $9+ million
  7. Palm pulls the plug on Palm OS, bets the future on Pre's webOS
  8. Alcatel-Lucent founds 4G industry group
  9. Tweet to compete
  10. Managing network change in a down economy

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