Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Microsoft strives for mobile mindshare; Nokia smartphone getting Skype

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Metzler: IT Initiatives for 2009
In late 2008 Jim Metzler surveyed over 300 IT professionals on a number of topics. In this brief he gives an overview of 5 key initiatives that IT organizations should implement in 2009 to respond to the challenging economic environment. Learn more about why new initiatives must have tangible business value. Download this brief today.


Spotlight Story
Microsoft strives for mobile mindshare with Windows Mobile 6.5

John Cox By John Cox
Microsoft this week unveils Windows Mobile 6.5, with its new full-blown Web browser, IE Mobile 6, in a bid to stay competitive in the fast-changing mobile market. Read full story

Related News:

Nokia will ship N97 loaded with Skype calling software
Skype is developing a VOIP software client for Nokia's top-of-the-range N97 smartphone, executives of both companies said Tuesday.

Symantec to release Endpoint Virtualization Suite this spring
Symantec Tuesday unveiled Endpoint Virtualization Suite, its set of server-based tools for controlling and delivering laptop and desktop application environments through flexible online provisioning.

Pirate Bay trial gets massive online coverage
The eyes of the file-sharing community remained on Sweden on Tuesday as the trial of four men from The Pirate Bay continued in Stockholm. Plus:
Pirate Bay May Sail Away, Scot Free

IT managers face 'application anarchy' that eats bandwidth
Almost 40% of enterprise network bandwidth is being consumed by recreational or non-business critical applications, according to a recent survey of IT managers.

Facebook CEO Calms Privacy Fears Over TOS Change
Who owns and controls your Facebook information? This has been a question many have debated over the weekend, but Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, finally gave us the answer (almost) Monday.

Spammers break Hotmail's CAPTCHA yet again
The battle by Microsoft to secure its Live Hotmail system from spammers appears to have failed yet again with the news that the latest version of its CAPTCHA authentication system has been broken.

Universal chargers to finally become a reality
An initiative backed by both mobile phone manufacturers and operators will result in a universal charger based on the Micro-USB interface for new mobile phones.

Riverbed bundles Microsoft Server in its WAN optimization appliances
Riverbed will sell Microsoft's Windows Server bundled with its WAN optimization devices as a way to simplify purchasing for its customers.

Microsoft denies it profits from Vista-to-XP downgrades
Microsoft has denied that it makes money when users "downgrade" Windows Vista to the older XP, as a lawsuit filed last week alleges.

Footloose and "patent free" is Red Hat/Microsoft's virtualization agreement
Red Hat and Microsoft will validate each other's virtualization technologies per an agreement announced yesterday. Microsoft has gotten over itself with its Linux-violates-Microsoft-patents claims and the customers comes out the winners.

Software counterfeiter gets 41 months in prison, loses Ferrari
A U.S. District court judge chucked a software counterfeiter in prison for 41 months, ordered him to pay $810,257 in restitution as well as give up his Ferrari 348 TB and a Rolex watch - all for operating a $1million software scheme.

Change we can count on" with Obama Cyber Security Review. (just kidding)
Cisco Subnet blogger Larry Chaffin reports that On Feb. 9 President Obama ordered an immediate 60-day review of the U.S. government's cybersecurity plans.

Obama’s Electronic Health Records initiative could usher in a new wave of ID theft
With the stimulus bill all but signed it looks like the government will be handing out $19 billion in an effort to digitize America’s health record system and security blogger Jamey Heary foresees trouble.

Cisco Adds Features to Firewall Services Module
February 9, Cisco released Firewall Services Module (FWSM) software for the 6500 switch and Cisco Subnet blogger Scott Hogg explains the new features.

Hit me with your Second Shot
Microsoft Learning has expanded upon its Second Shot program with the Career Assist Package, explains Microsoft Subnet blogger Randy Muller.

Today on Cisco Subnet
A month and we're still waiting for Nortel's restructuring plans; WebEx comes to BlackBberry, Symbian, Windows Mobile smartphones; Details of "Project California" revealed.

February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
Up for grabs: One American Express gift card worth $250 from Global Knowledge; One Microsoft training course worth $2,995 from Global Knowledge; 15 copies each of the hot book titles Voice over IP Security, and CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide and 15 copies of Exchange Server 2007 How-To: Real Solutions for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Administrators. Get all the entry details here.

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

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Metzler: IT Initiatives for 2009
In late 2008 Jim Metzler surveyed over 300 IT professionals on a number of topics. In this brief he gives an overview of 5 key initiatives that IT organizations should implement in 2009 to respond to the challenging economic environment. Learn more about why new initiatives must have tangible business value. Download this brief today.


Preparing for the Next Cyber Attack.
Ensure you are up-to-speed on the latest security technologies available to keep your network safe. Get a thorough assessment of the corporate security threat landscape. Protect your network with data leakage protection, NAC and other technologies.
Download this Executive Guide now.

How to craft a dynamic infrastructure
Attend IBM's Dynamic Infrastructure Virtual Forum on March 3 & 4, and get all the advice and information you need - without leaving your desk. Learn how to streamline your business and IT assets into an infrastructure that's fast, flexible and accurate.
Click here to register for this virtual event.



Today's most-read stories:

  1. Vodafone to sell second HTC Google phone
  2. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  3. Microsoft announces $250,000 Conflicker worm bounty
  4. Huawei unveils first Android smartphone
  5. How to build your own supercomputer
  6. Largest coordinated ATM rip-off ever nets $9+ million
  7. Palm pulls the plug on Palm OS, bets the future on Pre's webOS
  8. Alcatel-Lucent founds 4G industry group
  9. Tweet to compete
  10. Managing network change in a down economy

Preparing for IPv6.
Get concrete facts on what IPv6 adoption means for your organization in this Executive Guide. Learn how IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist and the role of NAT devices in this new world. Find out if you need to develop a business case today and how to get started.
Download this Executive Guide now.

IT Buyers guide


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