Sunday, May 24, 2015

“A Woman in a Hot Air Balloon Realized She Was Lost. She Lowered Her Altitude and…”

The Daily Dispatch For May 24, 2015
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"A Woman in a Hot Air Balloon Realized She Was Lost. She Lowered Her Altitude and…"

By Ryan Burnside on May 23, 2015 07:28 pm
The difference between Republicans and Democrats, or, more precisely, conservatives and liberals, is vast. While conservatives tend to rely on factual data and logic-based solutions to problems, liberals rely more on feelings and good intentions and rarely admit when they’re wrong, no matter how dire the situation. The joke below, aside from the fact that it’s one of
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PICTURE: The Real Truth About Black Violence in America That Al Sharpton Hopes You Never See

By Ryan Burnside on May 23, 2015 07:24 pm
With men like Al Sharpton constantly pushing a racial narrative on America to line the coffers of his National Action Network, it’s no wonder that he doesn’t want you to see factual data that would completely destroy his agenda if people took a few minutes of their time to read them. A mind-blowing infographic gave a quick snapshot
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Bush Spokeswoman Remembers Day President Visited VA and Shed Tears on Marine's Face

By Wilmot Proviso on May 23, 2015 07:18 pm
The liberal media has often covered up the respect and love former President George W. Bush showed for the troops under his command. Thankfully, we have former Bush administration members to set the record straight. For Memorial Day, former press secretary Dana Perino shared a piece from her new book about her experiences with the former president and
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Trey Gowdy Just Found a New Witness to Call, and This One Spells Disaster for Hillary

By Wilmot Proviso on May 23, 2015 07:14 pm
Rep. Trey Gowdy’s House Special Committee on Benghazi has been slowly but surely closing in on the former secretary of state and Democrat presidential hopeful. Now the committee chairman has subpoenaed one of the Clintons’ closest friends and advisors, putting Hillary on the defensive yet again. Sidney Blumenthal, an advisor to both Bill and Hillary
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"The Rock" Breaks Huge Fan's Heart, Then Does Something Absolutely Jaw-Dropping to Him

By Ryan Burnside on May 23, 2015 06:59 pm
Nick Mundy was a massive fan of Dwayne Johnson, known to wrestling and movie fans as “The Rock,” and was recently given the opportunity to interview the action movie star about his upcoming movie, “San Andreas.” But when Mundy arrived at the hotel where the interview was set to take place, his colleagues broke the
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VIDEO: Carjacker Getting Owned by Police Notices a Camera… What He Does Next Is Revolting

By Wilmot Proviso on May 23, 2015 06:51 pm
They say that people change when they notice a camera is on them, and this carjacker and suspected murderer certainly proved that with some despicable antics for a Baltimore television station. The suspect had allegedly shot five people, killing one. As he was being led away by police in East Baltimore, he noticed a camera
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This Announcement From ISIS Proves George Bush & Dick Cheney Were Exactly Right About Iraq

By Ryan Burnside on May 23, 2015 06:43 pm
In its latest issue of Dabiq, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic State group, leaders of the radical Islamic terrorist group suggested that they were growing so fast and gaining so much power that they’re kicking around the idea of purchasing their first nuclear weapons within the next 12 months. Though they were ridiculed then
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VIDEO: Liberals Tried to Silence God-Fearing Marines, But These Warriors Refuse to Be Quiet

By Wilmot Proviso on May 23, 2015 06:35 pm
Liberals have apparently become allergic to any mention of God or religion, vehemently fighting against any attempt by Christians to have their beliefs introduced into the public square. However, these Marines were unfazed by the God-hating progressives who have tried to silence the religious, instead declaring their faith loudly by singing, “Lord, I Lift Your
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China Gets Uppity About US Naval Flights, So US Navy Responds With 16 Blunt Words

By Ryan Burnside on May 23, 2015 06:30 pm
It appears that China is laying claim to a portion of international waters without consent from the rest of the world, including the United States, and has gone out of its way to warn the U.S. Navy not to interfere in airspace surrounding a batch of artificially constructed islands. Navy aircraft, specifically the highly classified and advanced
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PHOTOS: Hillary Releases Benghazi Emails, But Look What Was Done to Them Beforehand…

By Timothy Davis on May 23, 2015 06:14 pm
Early Friday, 296 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email account were released. This may sound like a breakthrough for conservatives in their struggle for Clinton transparency, but it isn’t. To say Clinton’s emails were heavily redacted would be to say that Bruce Jenner has had a little work done. Document after document was redacted to the
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