Sunday, May 24, 2015

Townhall Daily - May 24 - Derek Hunter, Doug Giles, Suzanne Fields, Bruce Bialosky, Paul Jacob and More

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President Hillary Kardashian
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
If I Was A Black Man I Wouldn't Fear White Devils -- I'd Fear Blacks
Doug Giles
Doug Giles
The Killing of Free Speech
Suzanne Fields
Suzanne Fields
America, Please Don't Become Spain
Bruce Bialosky
Bruce Bialosky
What We Owe Our Troops
Paul Jacob
Paul Jacob
Harvard's Asian-American Quota
Steve Chapman
Steve Chapman
'Be Prepared': 'Gay' Men with Boy Scouts in Tents
Matt Barber
Matt Barber
Worldwide Survey Of Litigation Trends Reveals Grim News For America
Bob Jones
Bob Jones
More Columnists
Video Mansion Murder Suspect Captured
Video U.S. State Department to Post Set of Clinton Emails Online on Friday
Video Michael Sam -- I'm Playing Pro Football Again ... In Canada
Video David Cameron Plays Down Difficulties of EU Renegotiations
Russian Senator Calls for Ban on Young Hockey Stars Moving to North America
Christine Rousselle
Christine Rousselle
Hm: All 15 Charter School Applicants Rejected in NY
Cortney O'Brien
Cortney O'Brien
Biden to Annapolis Grads: You Are the Real One Percent
Daniel Doherty
Daniel Doherty
Clinton Foundation: Oh, We Made Additional $12-26 Million From Speeches Given By the Former First Family
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Santorum: These New Debate Rules at Fox Are Kind Of BS
Daniel Doherty
Daniel Doherty
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Be Prepared: Defense Against Terror, Hoodlums, & Disasters | Staff
Threats From Gun Control Supports Force Car Dealer To Drop Gun Giveaway | Bob Owens
Hogue AR-15 Overmolded Stock Set Review | Staff
Associated Press Eggs On Anti-Police Riots | Bob Owens
Atlanta Police Thank Younger Black Man for Holding Frail Older White Man At Gunpoint | Bob Owens
Political News
Ethiopians vote in 1st election without former strongman | AP News
German police confirm 6 killed in Alpine guesthouse fire | AP News
Syrian helicopter crashes; activists say militants downed it | AP News
Pacific free-trade talks 'in the end-game:' U.S. trade official | Reuters News
Wolff says teams interested in Mercedes 'customer cars' | Reuters News
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