Friday, May 22, 2015

CoastZone: Planet X - Enclosed Earth Theory

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May 22, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
Planet X:

In the first half of Thursday's show, author and publisher Marshall Masters provided updates on Nibiru (Planet X), and touched on such topics as chemtrails, and survival communities. What's referred to as Planet X is actually a mini-constellation around a brown dwarf star in our own solar system that is on a 3,600 year orbit, he suggested. Right now, it's located on the opposite side of the sun, beyond the orbit of Jupiter, but as it reaches its closest distance to the sun it will accelerate, and cross over Earth's orbit. If our planet happens to be on the same side of the sun when that happens--- that's a worst case scenario that happened last at the time of Noah's flood, he stated.

Interestingly, Masters believes Nibiru was actually picked up on camera during an early morning TV newscast in Sacramento, in which the reporters were perplexed by what they were seeing. The effects from Nibiru's passage could be devastating he said, with a likely pole shift, and huge tsunamis slamming the coastlines. In a corollary to Bible prophecy, as Nibiru passes between Earth and the sun, it will cause days of darkness, and literally block out the sun, he added. Regarding weather modification and chemtrails, the elite may be doing it to create a mini-ice age, in advance of Planet X, which will cause the planet to heat up, he theorized. Masters said he's working on building a survival community that will broadcast information via shortwave broadcasts after the grid is knocked out.
Enclosed Earth Theory:

In the latter half, professional game tester and proprietary software trainer Mark K. Sargent discussed his breakthrough work on the Enclosed Earth Theory. He outlined clues that point to the idea that Earth is actually a "Truman Show"-type contained system stretching thousands of miles wide, and 400 miles high. His interest in this theory developed out of studying "flat earth" conspiracies, which seemed absurd at first. One source, who said he used to work for NASA, claimed that the space agency knows that Earth isn't really shaped like a globe, Sargent reported.

Sargent's Enclosed World model differs from 'flat earth' theories in that he envisions a gigantic, but specific enclosure that stretches high enough to include weather systems. The moon and sun are not what we think they are-- they're actually much smaller spheres, like huge light bulbs, that are much closer to us than the distances NASA has suggested, according to the theory. Space missions such as to the moon and Mars could be faked, he added. Sargent also shared data from Admiral Byrd's expeditions to Antarctica-- he did numerous missions there over a 30-year period, and there's possible evidence to suggest he found something that correlates with or reveals the 'Enclosed World' secret.
Today in Strangeness:

Occurring on this date in 1960, the Great Chilean Earthquake was the most powerful quake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. The Space Needle (built for the 1962 World's Fair) opened its revolving restaurant, now called SkyCity, on this day in 1961.

Coast to Coast AM Schedule 5.22.15 - 5.29.15:

Here's what's coming up in the next week!     

Friday, May 22, 2015: Filling in for George, Richard Syrett welcomes founder and director of the Palmistry Institute in Los Angeles, Vernon Mahabal, who combines astrology with palmistry to make predictions about trends for the United States based on repeated patterns he sees in the thousands of palms he reads. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half.

Saturday, May 23, 2015: Joining Richard Syrett is former Congressional staffer Susan Lindauer, who covered Iraq and Libya at the United Nations as a US Intelligence Asset and back door channel on anti-terrorism from 1993 to 2003. In the summer of 2001, her team warned about a major terrorist attack involving airplane hijackings and a strike on the World Trade Center. She'll discuss what happened when she tried to disclose the true facts of Iraqi pre-war intelligence and the 9/11 warning to Congress and the nightmare of her arrest via the Patriot Act and imprisonment without a trial at the notorious prison inside Carswell Air Force Base in Texas.

6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 5/30/15 when Harvey Wasserman, consultant to Greenpeace, talked about radiation, nuclear war, and a doomsday scenario.

Sunday, May 24, 2015: Author and researcher Bill Grabowski joins George Knapp in the first half to discuss his exploration of anomalous aerial phenomena, and what appear to be associated effects-- entity sightings and apparent interactions; "poltergeist" activity; bizarre electromagnetic intrusions involving telephones, TVs, computers, and even our minds. Followed by author and ufologist, Nick Redfern, who addresses the hidden, overlooked, and buried history of humankind from ancient aliens to the New World Order.

Monday, May 25, 2015: First Half: Registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist Benjamin Fuchs has been compounding custom medication, formulating nutritional products and consulting with doctors and patients since graduating from the Univ. Of Colorado School of Pharmacy in 1986. He'll discuss alternatives to prescription drugs, such as foods, nutritional supplements, and mental strategies to better treat diseases.

2nd Half: Robert Crane followed his parents to Los Angeles in the fifties and while his father, actor Bob Crane, became a radio and television star. Robert pursued film studies at USC, and will discuss behind-the-scenes stories of Hollywood and various actors and directors, how celebrity culture has changed over the decades, and the murder of his father. Hosted by George Noory.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015: First Half: Founder of End Time Ministries, Rev. Irvin Baxter, will discuss prophecies in the Book of Revelation that seven trumpets will sound before the end of the age, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. He believes five of the seven have already sounded, and WWIII, which is the triggering event of the sixth trumpet, may have already begun. He'll also update his work on how implementation of Real ID could be the mechanism for the Mark of the Beast.

2nd Half: One of the world's leading researchers of freemasonry, sacred geometry and ancient astronomy, Christopher Knight, will discuss his latest work which makes the case for a deliberate design to the universe using detailed astronomical data which he uncovered while researching the science of the Neolithic (late Stone Age) people of Western Europe. Hosted by George Noory.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015: First Half: Independent researcher Peter A. Kirby has been a student of alternative media narratives which has opened his eyes to the possibility that outcomes can be engineered by vested interests to appear as natural and random. He claims that the epic drought in the West is probably the result of geo-engineering and chemtrails.

2nd Half: For 25 years Robert Perala has been researching metaphysics, the origin of the soul, Earth-based anomalies, extraterrestrial science, and NDEs. He'll discuss a variety of subjects including "The Strange Case of Mr. D," a man in Poland who has been receiving ET transmissions for over 10 years, and a photo of an ET figure taken by Jeff Grenshaw that closely resembles the beings he saw during his own abduction in 1977. Hosted by George Noory.

Thursday, May 28, 2015: Remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) will address what the government is not saying about UFOs, aliens, and close encounters. He is also working on defining the true nature of Bigfoot. By using remote viewing he is tracking Bigfoot hot spots, and planning on setting up the possibility of contact with what he believes to be something other than an ape. He'll also have information which will quell fears about Yellowstone and our sun going supernova. Hosted by George Noory.

Friday, May 29, 2015: In the first half, Craig Nehring, the founder of the Fox Valley Ghost Hunters based in Oshkosh Wisconsin, and Kevin Melek & Jennifer Scelsi, founders of the Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society, will discuss many paranormal manifestations happening in Wisconsin including Dogman, Bigfoot, ghosts, and Shadow People. They'll also cover the restoration project of the haunted Summerwind mansion. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half. Hosted by George Noory.

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