Friday, May 22, 2015

Townhall Daily - May 22 - Michelle Malkin, Erick Erickson, Mark Davis, S. E. Cupp, Michael Barone and More

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How Obama Radically Transformed America's Patent System
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Community Builders
Erick Erickson
Erick Erickson
Elian Gonzalez at 21
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Key to Changing Hearts And Minds: Don't Lie or Bully
S. E. Cupp
S. E. Cupp
Can Hillary Clinton Reverse the Six-Year Decline in Democratic Turnout?
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
The 'Science' of Sex Education
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
Will Accomplishment Deficit be Hillary's Undoing?
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Iraq and the White House Time Machine
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
A Smorgasbord of Head-shakers
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Can Republican Men Criticize Hillary?
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
War is a Four-Letter Word Spelled I-R-A-N
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
What the Fall of Ramadi Means
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
Meet the Bill Maher From the Right Who is Changing Entertainment
Rachel Alexander
Rachel Alexander
The Killing of Free Speech
Suzanne Fields
Suzanne Fields
There Is No Such Thing as Unbiased Journalism, So Let's Stop Pretending
David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi
Unholy Alliance: The Church and the Welfare State
Joy Overbeck
Joy  Overbeck
The Imitation Game
Paul Greenberg
Paul Greenberg
Obama's Failing Report Card
Donald Lambro
Donald Lambro
Has the Bloom Come off the Clinton Rose?
Rich Galen
Rich Galen
The Challenge: Fragile Freedom
Rebecca Hagelin
Rebecca Hagelin
More Columnists

Feds Must Raise Taxes 14% to Avoid $40 Trillion Debt Disaster

FREE BOOK: Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation

Banks Abolishing Your Ability to Use & Store Cash
Video Air Strikes Kill 15 Militants in Northwest Pakistan: Officials
Video NBC: Obama's ISIS Strategy 'Definition of Stupidity'
Video Girl Scouts Welcomes Transgender Girls
Video French Feminists Demand Rewording of 1789 'Rights of Man' Declaration
Cringe-Worthy Yearbook Quote Goes Viral
Christine Rousselle
Christine Rousselle
Indicted: All Six Baltimore Police Officers Involved In The Death Of Freddie Gray Charged
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Nebraska Legislature Votes to Abolish Death Penalty
Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis
NYT: Hillary Emails Contain Sensitive Information, Trace Benghazi Story
Guy Benson
Guy Benson
White House Press Secretary: Defeating ISIS is "Going to Take Some Time"
Daniel Doherty
Daniel Doherty
More Tipsheet

Feds Must Raise Taxes 14% to Avoid $40 Trillion Debt Disaster

FREE BOOK: Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation

Banks Abolishing Your Ability to Use & Store Cash
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Idiot Faces Charges After Child Finds Gun, Shoots Himself | Bob Owens
Man Shoots And Kills Armed Robber During Home Invasion | Bob Owens
Journalists in Fantasyland: How Anti-Gun Media Convince Themselves Gun Ownership Is Declining | Bob Owens
You Know What Those Waco Biker Thugs Weren't Doing? Open-Carrying. | Bob Owens
"Grab and Go" Long Gun Rigs | Staff
Political News
Large French supermarkets barred from throwing away food | Reuters News
Amnesty says torture of Ukraine war prisoners is rife | AP News
Man hit by Portuguese policeman alleges aggravated assault | AP News
Spanish opposition parties challenge new 'gag law' | AP News
Suicide bomber strikes at Saudi Shi'ite mosque, several casualties: residents | Reuters News
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