Monday, June 22, 2015

Microsoft struggles to define 'free' for Windows 10

Computerworld Wrap-Up
June 22, 2015

Clear as mud: Microsoft struggles to define 'free' for Windows 10

Microsoft's Keystone Kops-like revelation that Windows 10 testers would get a free copy of the OS -- yes, no, then yes, probably, but with strings -- reflects the much more complicated ecosystem the Redmond, Wash. company maintains. READ MORE


Issue highlights

1. Best Places survey stats: What workers want, what companies offer

2. NOW ON CIO: CIOs share their secrets to unplugging on vacation

3. Personal robot that shows emotions sells out in 1 minute

4. INSIDER 8 ways to jumpstart your career

5. Fingerprint sensors on their way to more smartphones

6. VMware gets help to build and deploy cloud apps more easily

7. NOW ON CSO: Why are there still so many website vulnerabilities?

8. Supreme Court rejects Google request in Street View patent case

9. INSIDER IT Resume Makeover: How to add flavor to a bland resume

10. Cyberattack grounds planes in Poland

11. Darlene Storm: Hackers allegedly attack Polish LOT airline, 10 flights and over 1,400 people grounded

12. Jonny Evans: Apple Music has a Swift turnaround

White Paper: IBM

Forrester 2014 Dynamic Case Management Wave

Forrester has released its 2014 Dynamic Case Management Wave, and for the second consecutive time, IBM is a leader. Learn More

Best Places survey stats: What workers want, what companies offer

Computerworld's annual 100 Best Places to Work in IT list showcases the top 100 U.S. workplaces for technology professionals. Here we've gathered some highlights from the report. READ MORE

NOW ON CIO: CIOs share their secrets to unplugging on vacation

IT executives have learned how to build strong, reliable and trustworthy teams so that no one person is the single point of contact. That not only allows for more efficiency, it lets CIOs unplug on summer vacations. READ MORE

Personal robot that shows emotions sells out in 1 minute

If there was any question as to whether people were excited to get their own personal robot, the answer is clear now. SoftBank Robotics Corp. put 1,000 personal robots, priced at $1,600, on sale on Saturday. Within one minute, they were sold out. READ MORE


8 ways to jumpstart your career

We've collected advice from experts on the tweaks IT professionals can make to improve their career prospects. READ MORE

Fingerprint sensors on their way to more smartphones

Fingerprint authentication will become more common on smartphones of all prices as sensors get cheaper, and Google's integration of the technology in the next version of Android will make it much easier for app developers and service providers to make use of them. READ MORE

VMware gets help to build and deploy cloud apps more easily

Working to make its public cloud more competitive, VMware has partnered with Bitnami to make using open source apps and development environments on vCloud Air easy. READ MORE

Webcast: IBM

Building a Multi-Tenant Big Data Environment

Does your organization face competitive or regulatory imperatives that require higher quality big data analysis in ever shorter amounts of time, even as data volumes explode? Learn More

NOW ON CSO: Why are there still so many website vulnerabilities?

The cracks in the armor of most enterprise websites are many, including recurring holes in OpenSSL, PHP and WordPress and are largely due to a combination of extensive customizations paired with a shortage of testing and fixing of vulnerabilities. READ MORE

Supreme Court rejects Google request in Street View patent case

The U.S. Supreme Court declined a request by Google to hear a patent case involving the company's Street View service, leaving the company to defend the infringement claims in lower courts. READ MORE


IT Resume Makeover: How to add flavor to a bland resume

Don't count on your 'plain vanilla' resume to get you noticed - your resume needs a personal flavor to catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers. Here, expert Donald Burns adds his secret sauce to one CIO's resume to help him land his next role. READ MORE

Cyberattack grounds planes in Poland

LOT Polish Airlines was forced to cancel 10 flights scheduled to depart from Warsaw's Chopin airport on Sunday after hackers attacked its ground computer systems. READ MORE

Darlene Storm: Hackers allegedly attack Polish LOT airline, 10 flights and over 1,400 people grounded

After Polish airline LOT suffered an IT attack on ground operation systems, 10 flights were canceled, another dozen were delayed and over 1,400 passengers were grounded at Warsaw Chopin Airport. LOT said the attack on its 'state-of-the-art computer systems' was the 'first such attack in history' and warned others in the industry of the potential threat by hackers. READ MORE

Jonny Evans: Apple Music has a Swift turnaround

Apple has listened to the artists and agreed to cough up cash for music streamed during the three-month trial of the iTunes Music service, a big change from its original attempt to stream it free. READ MORE

Webcast: IBM

Building a Multi-Tenant Big Data Environment

Does your organization face competitive or regulatory imperatives that require higher quality big data analysis in ever shorter amounts of time, even as data volumes explode? Learn More

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Computerworld's 2016 Premier 100 Technology Leaders: A Call for Nominations
Computerworld is seeking to honor technology professionals who have demonstrated leadership in their organizations through the use of IT and have the strategic vision to align technology with business goals. Nominations close June 30. To make a nomination, click here.

Computerworld's 2015 mobile data service satisfaction survey is underway!
Which carrier's users are the most satisfied with their mobile data service? That's what we want to find out. For the third year, Computerworld is polling readers to find out how they feel about their mobile data provider, how much they pay, how they use their mobile data connections and more. Take the survey here.

Healthcare IT's Seismic Shift
In this edition of Computerworld's June Digital Magazine: How IT is driving the change behind the healthcare industry's move to a consumer-focused model — and much more. [Registration required] To read the issue, click here.

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