Monday, June 22, 2015

Townhall PM - Busted: Emails Show Jonathan Gruber More Than Obamacare "Advisor" - June 22, 2015

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New Emails Again Confirm Jonathan Gruber Wasn't "Just Some Advisor" on Obamacare
Katie Pavlich
When citizen journalist Rich Weinstein exposed Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber in late 2014 for defrauding the country and calling the American voter "stupid," the White House denied he played a major role in writing the legislation and argued he was just "some advisor."
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No Joke: Most Black Voters Think Rachel Dolezal Should Have Stayed At The NAACP
Matt Vespa
Maine Senator Angus King to Undergo Prostate Cancer Surgery
Christine Rousselle
Controversial 'Catholics for Choice' Ad Covers DC Newspaper
Cortney O'Brien
"Unity Chain" Formed in Charleston
Christine Rousselle
NBC's Guthrie to Gov. Haley: It's Time To 'Rethink' The Second Amendment After Charleston, Right?
Matt Vespa
Not A Joke: Hillary Blames Charleston Shooting On Donald Trump
Aaron Bandler
Will Seizure of Russian Assets Hasten Dollar Decline
Ron Paul
The Europeans tried to form their own competitor to the dollar, and the resulting euro is collapsing around them as you read this. But the European Union was never considered much of a threat by the United States, existing as it does within Washington's orbit.
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VIDEO: In San Francisco Speech to Mayors, Hillary Clinton Calls For Gun Reforms
Hillary Clinton called for gun reforms in a speech to mayors from across America.
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Rick Perry's Record of Success in Texas Could Aid Justice Reform Efforts in Washington
Jason Pye
Rick Perrys entrance into the race for the Republican presidential nomination could continue to push the justice-reform debate further into national politics as candidates from both parties try to stake their claims on these vital issues.
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VIDEO: Germany's Chances of Extraditing Al Jazeera Journalist? Unlikely
The German government on Monday played down the chances of a prominent Al Jazeera journalist held in Berlin since the weekend being extradited to Egypt, citing concerns about the Egyptian legal process.
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Cuomo Gives "Consent" PowerPoint to Rapists
Katie Kieffer
You need a girls consent, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tells rapists. If she says yes, its not rapeits affirmative consent.
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VIDEO: Washington Whipped Into Frenzy Ahead of ObamaCare Ruling
The wait is almost over for what could be the last big legal threat to Obamacare.
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State Department: By the Way, Iran is Still an Active Terrorist State
Guy Benson
This would be the very same State Department whose leadership remains singularly obsessed with striking a nuclear accord with the very same regime in Tehran.
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Bureaucracy at Work: Veteran Wait Times 50 Percent Longer After VA Scandal
Katie Pavlich
When revelations of excruciating and deadly wait times at Veteran's Affair came to light last summer in the media (after years of warnings), the country was mortified.
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South Carolina Gunman Partially a Product of Left-Leaning Culture
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Slate: Left-Wing Sanders a Right-Wing Gun Nut
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An Uber Driver Stopped A Potential Mass Shooting With A Concealed Weapon. Naturally, Uber Bans Guns. | Bob Owens
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