Saturday, June 27, 2015

Posts from Conservative Daily News for 06/27/2015

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Jun 26, 2015 04:42 pm | R. Mitchell

With Gay Marriage In, ACLU Drops Backing of Religious Freedom Law

While the ink is still wet on Justice Kennedy’s controversial decision to legalize gay marriage, the ACLU has dropped its support of the Federal ‘Religious Freedom’ law. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) was passed to prevent citizens from having to choose between their religious beliefs and negative recourse. President Clinton signed RFRA into law in 1993 saying that “governments should

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Jun 26, 2015 02:22 pm | Dave King

As The Supreme Court Betrays America, All The Upstream Political Dams Are Breaking

When one lives on a river one learns to pay attention to how the dams upstream are holding, because if the dams upstream fail, the resulting deluge will be released and there is no way to stop it as it takes out your life and home. Below will be references to metaphorical political dams intended to make the point that

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Jun 26, 2015 01:13 pm | R. Mitchell

What is the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States was enacted during Civil War reconstruction. The intent of the amendment was to insure that freed slaves enjoyed the same protections as all other Americans. The amendment is divided into five sections. The 14th is often cited in litigation and was a centerpiece to arguments in The Slaugherhouse Cases, Lochner v.

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Jun 26, 2015 12:50 pm | R. Mitchell

CME Incoming, Radiation Storm [Video]

A recent solar coronal mass ejection is sending radiation our way - radiation storm incoming.

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Jun 26, 2015 11:50 am | R. Mitchell

President Obama Comments on Gay Marriage Ruling [Video]

President Obama offers his comments on the 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court in favor of gay marriage.

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Jun 26, 2015 11:28 am | R. Mitchell

Obergefell v. Hodges Gay Marriage Decision – Full Text

The Supreme Court ruled today that same-sex couples have the right to marry and that all states must recognize same-sex marriages forged in other states. Here is the full text of the decision and dissent on Obergefell v. Hodges: Same Sex Marriage Obergefell v. Hodges Gay Marriage Decision – Full Text first appeared on Conservative Daily News

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Jun 26, 2015 10:57 am | R. Mitchell

Justices Give Gays Right to Marry – More Cases to Come

In a narrow 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) ruled that same sex couples have the right to marry in all 50 states. The ruling not only extends the right to marry to same-sex couples, but also requires all states to recognize gay marriages and civil unions carried out in other states. Justice Kennedy sided with the

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Jun 26, 2015 10:06 am | Richard Larsen

Healthcare Ruling-Government Control Expands With Language

This week the Supreme Court struck another major blow to common sense and the English language. In a ruling upholding the subsidies afforded policies purchased on the federal insurance exchange, the SCOTUS opened a veritable Pandora's Box of legal interpretation, and expanded power not only of the judiciary, but of the federal government itself. Seven times throughout the Affordable Care

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