Friday, June 26, 2015

The Right Scoop

The Right Scoop

Police officer FIRED for posting picture with confederate flag UNDIES

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 05:32 PM PDT

confederate underwearA Texas police officer was fired for posting a picture ...

THOUGHTCRIME! Traditional marriage opinions BANNED by PA newspaper after Supreme Court ruling

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 04:20 PM PDT

free speech hands tied cuffs keyboard thoughtcrime-thumbThe “Pennsylvania Patriot” newspaper may think they’re patriotic, but shutting down ...

‘GET RID OF THE COURT!’ – One presidential candidate’s response to the gay ruling

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 03:11 PM PDT

supreme courtI won’t keep you in suspense – it was BOBBY ...

Ted Cruz: ‘These are some of the darkest 24 hours in nation’s history’

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 02:39 PM PDT

tedcruzTed Cruz was on Hannity radio a few minutes ago, ...

BOOM! Trump tweets out letter BANNING Univision from his golf course

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 01:22 PM PDT

trumpTrump is not to be outdone and is not going ...

Franklin Graham: The Supreme Court has endorsed sin today and I will never recognize it

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 12:59 PM PDT

franklingrahamFranklin Graham weighed in today on the SCOTUS decision declaring ...

ISIS dresses up as Kurdish fighters, MASSACRES 146 civilians including women and children in Kobani

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 11:22 AM PDT

kobani_isis_victimsAll the terrorist attacks happening today look to be connect ...

Scott Walker responds to SCOTUS gay marriage decision, calls for NEW CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 09:48 AM PDT

scott walker freedom summitScott Walker has penned his response to the Supreme Court ...

Donald Trump says Jorge Ramos BEGGING him for interview, then tweets PERSONAL cell phone number

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 09:32 AM PDT

donaldtrumpDonald Trump is hitting hard back at Univision, suggesting they ...


Posted: 26 Jun 2015 08:01 AM PDT

supremecourt(UPDATED) Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex ...

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