Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Michael Reagan: Child Services Ignores Calls for Help


Michael Reagan


Child Services Ignores Calls for Help

By Michael Reagan

One doesn't have to work at the Veteran's Administration to be more concerned with covering your behind than serving the people who make your job possible. You would work for Child Protective Services in the Staunton, Waynesboro and the Augusta County area of Virginia.

A simultaneously heartbreaking and enraging investigation by the Staunton News Leader found that CPS workers in that regional office ignored answering machine messages reporting potential child abuse over a six–month period. And when someone finally got off their behind to play the messages instead of listening and taking down the reports, the "public employee" simply deleted over 200 messages.

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But not to worry, the supervisor who approved the deletion claims, "she thought it unlikely that a person making a CPS complaint would just leave a message and not call back if the message was not quickly returned." Meaning she was confident the public was more highly motivated than the people getting a paycheck for supposedly protecting children from abuse.

Besides, "clearing the inbox would allow new messages to be addressed with greatest speed" by those balls of fire in the CPS office.

This is simply a breathtaking combination of callousness and indifference.

The cover–up was uncovered by a doctor trying to make a report who, much to the chagrin of the CPS supervisor, was highly motivated. He kept getting caught in an infinite phone tree loop. He called an Augusta County Supervisor and the sheriff's office. They in turn called the state CPS office.

Finally someone was able to rouse the somnolent employees of the local CPS office, who were of the opinion that the failure of the phone to ring for months was an indication of a job well done. A report was taken and during the ensuing commotion a local Lois Lerner erased the answering machine messages.

When CPS seizes children social workers have no problem naming parents (as you can see by clicking here) but when a government bureaucrat is the culprit, they go all private on us. We have to take their word for it, but according to the story, "They ended up putting a letter in the person's file."

Virginia has strict reporting requirements for child abuse allegations. Doctors, police, nurses, non–CPS social workers, probation officers, teachers and coaches to name but a few are required to report any suspicions of child abuse to CPS.

If they don't report run–of–the–mill abuse they are subject to a $500 fine for the first instance and $1,000 fine for each subsequent instance.

In cases of rape, sodomy or object penetration the failure to report makes them subject to prosecution after being charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Unfortunately for the children whose condition prompted the reports that were erased and ignored there is no penalty for social worker bureaucrats that are too indifferent to do their job.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on reaganreports.com

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