Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Townhall PM - Clinton's State Dept Sold Arms to Govts Who Donated to Foundation - May 26, 2015

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Clinton's State Dept Approved Arms Deals To Govts Who Gave Millions To The Foundation
Matt Vespa
The ethical questions surrounding foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation have entered a new arena: arms sales.
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Dem Rep to Test John McCain in 2016
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Good News: Thousands of High Security TSA Badges Are Missing
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Ad For New DC Clinic Compares Abortion to Appendicitis
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Horror: ISIS' Surreally Repugnant Treatment of Women
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While Rick Santorum Whines About Rules, Carly Fiorina Steps Up To GOP Debate Challenge
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DEA Agents Busted For Running a Strip Club On The Side
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Journalism's Sorry State
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I don't know why everyone is so up in arms that alleged newsman George Stephanopoulos donated $75,000 to a private foundation co-owned and operated by a woman who hopes to be president.
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VIDEO: Man Spending Life in Prison for Pot Has Sentence Commuted
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon commuted the sentence for Missouri's only man serving life in prison for non-violent marijuana-related offenses.
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Graduation Gifts
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This is the season of college graduations, and many people may be wondering what kinds of gifts would be most appropriate for young people leaving the world of academia and heading out to face the challenges and opportunities of adulthood in the real world.
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VIDEO: Jon Stewart is Helping Veterans Break into the TV Industry
Jon Stewart is leaving 'The Daily Show' but is leaving a job training program for Veterans as a parting gift.
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VIDEO: Immigration Insanity
This episode of "On the Scene!" breaks down 3 ways the US of A could help solve the "immigration insanity" that is plaguing our country today.
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Where Are All The Gay Marriages?
Mark Nuckols
Ireland has just had a national referendum that passed a constitutional amendment to legalize gay marriage. Same sex couples can already get married in 36 states, and next month the Supreme Court is likely to recognize a right to gay marriage under the Constitution.
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End of Discussion: Head Explosions And Standing Up To Bullies With Keyboards
Townhall.com Staff
"If were not willing to fight bullies with keyboards and petitions, were certainly not going to stand up to bullies with machine guns."
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Hot New Fashion Trend: The Hillary Clinton Pantsuit T-Shirt
Guy Benson
If you don't own one of these, America, it's time to reconsider your sartorial -- and life -- choices.
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