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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Juniper enters low-end SSL appliance market

Today's focus: Juniper enters low-end SSL appliance market


In this issue:

* Juniper launches for SSL VPN boxes for low-end market
* Links related to VPNs
* Featured reader resource
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Today's focus: Juniper enters low-end SSL appliance market

By Tim Greene

SSL VPN vendors are coming to the point where they are trying to
capture as many customers as possible by having an SSL appliance
for each size business.

Juniper, which had been going after mostly high-end customers,
is introducing four boxes to fill in its product line
including a low-end device that supports a maximum of 25
simultaneous users. The device enables it to challenge some of
the lower-end competitors that thought they could feed there
without being bothered by better financed companies like Juniper
which, the thinking went, would focus on the larger businesses
for customers.

The market is getting past the point where SSL vendors can show
up on the doorstep and expect to be the only vendor customers
will consider, which happened quite a lot just months ago.
Customers would say they heard about a particular vendor, the
product met their needs, and they bought. They said they didn't
even consider that there might be competitive products.

All that is changing. Juniper's small boxes include
enterprise-level management that large businesses will be
interested in for small or home offices. Small businesses that
have cost as a major determining factor will still look for the
bargain vendors that offer SSL VPN basics without a lot of
frills, which is enough for many users.

The point for potential customers is that for now there is a
better range of products to choose from in capacity, capability
and price. This may not last long as pressure on less
well-funded vendors from their better financed competitors
increases. So enjoy the good market conditions while you can.

The top 5: Today's most-read stories

1. Windows worm beginning to spread

2. Cisco to juice 6500 switch

3. Help Desk: Sniffing on a switch

4. Zotob worm exploits Windows 2000 Plug and Play

5. Google goes berserk

Today's most-forwarded story:

Cisco to juice 6500 switch
To contact: Tim Greene

Tim Greene is a senior editor at Network World, covering virtual
private networking gear, remote access, core switching and local
phone companies. You can reach him at <>.
This newsletter is sponsored by Nokia
Empower Your Mobile Enterprise

Nokia believes that business mobility will fundamentally change
the way work gets done-and for the better. To allow the entire
organization to get the most from this paradigm shift in
productivity, Nokia Enterprise Solutions focuses on delivering
increased efficiency through enhanced mobility. Learn more by
downloading this white paper today!

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