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Monday, October 08, 2007

Examining DRM's future within the Internet; How safe is a VPN?

Network World

Voices of Networking

Voices of Networking, 10/08/07

By Jeff Caruso

Bradner: Examining DRM’s future within the Internet, 10/02/07: Digital rights management is a chimera that content owners use to pretend their content is not digital. As a technology, DRM has had an almost unblemished record of failure and as a business model the record has been just about as bad. About the only ...

Nutter's Help Desk: How safe is a VPN? 10/01/07: I see a lot on the Internet about VPNs but very little explanation about what they are. A lot of hype about using them to gain privacy while connected through a public access point. Yet, I've not seen somebody talk directly about how secure they are ...

Backspin: Over-enthusiastic computer marketing means users are barely in control, 10/05/07: Readers identify over-enthusiastic marketing as the reason that users have been fooled into believing that computers are easy. The problem is that businesses now have no choice, everything needs to be computerized so many business owners now suffer ...

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Gaskin: Modifying Software-as-a-Service, 10/04/07: One of the complaints about Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), at least from large companies, is the inability for a customer to modify the software. Enterprises often buy applications based on a database, such as Oracle, and have in-house programmers to ...

Cool Tools: BlackBerry enters the Wi-Fi game, 10/03/07: The BlackBerry 8820 is the first dual-mode BlackBerry device with Wi-Fi wireless LAN connectivity as well as wide area EDGE/GPRS/GSM access.

Johnson: Is it truly necessary to upgrade to IPv6? 10/03/07: In economics, someone who hoards resources to drive up the price is rather whimsically referred to as a troll. I was reminded of that recently when one of my colleagues suggested that perhaps the U.S. government’s interest in IPv6 is part of a plot to ...

Gearhead: Deferred procedure call problems come and go, 10/02/07: Gibbs’ problem with a high rate of DPCs under Windows XP magically vanishes, and he returns to his quest for groupware and looks at Simple Groupware.

Dr. Internet: Tabbed interface framework masters CDs, DVDs with HTML, 10/02/07: We need to build a tabbed interface framework for mastering CDs and DVDs containing HTML content. The content does not require server interaction but may contain video and/or animated presentation material. We have Java skills and a legacy Macromedia Director application we want to replace for delivering PC and Mac content on disk. What would you recommend?



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7. DHS e-mail server turns into spam cannon
8. Ig Nobel: Honoring weird science at Harvard
9. This year's 25 Geekiest 25th Anniversaries
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Twisting in a Web 2.0 world

Contact the author:

Jeff Caruso is managing editor of online news for Network World. He oversees daily online news posting and newsletter editing, and writes the NetFlash daily news summary, the High-Speed LANs newsletter and the Voices of Networking newsletter. Contact him at



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