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Monday, October 08, 2007

[UNIX] Sun Microsystems Solaris FIFO FS Information Disclosure Vulnerability

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Sun Microsystems Solaris FIFO FS Information Disclosure Vulnerability


<> Solaris is a UNIX operating system
developed by Sun Microsystems. Local exploitation of an integer signedness
error in Sun Microsystem's Solaris could allow attackers to disclose
sensitive information from memory.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Solaris version 10 on x86 and SPARC (It is suspected that earlier
versions are also affected)

The FIFO FS (First In First Out File System) is a service provided by the
kernel that is commonly used for IPC (InterProcess Communication). A FIFO
is represented as a node in the file system, and is similar to the concept
of named pipes in Windows.

The vulnerability exists in the kernel ioctl() handler for FIFOs. The
I_PEEK ioctl is used to peek at a number of bytes contained in the FIFO
without actually removing them from the queue. One of the arguments to
this command, which represents the number of bytes to peek, is a signed
integer value. Since this parameter is not properly validated, a negative
value can cause large amounts of kernel memory contents to be disclosed.

Exploitation allows an attacker to view potentially sensitive information
belonging to the kernel or other users. For example, the root password
hash or encryption keys might be disclosed.

Vendor Status:
Sun has addressed this vulnerability by releasing patches. For more
information, consult Sun Alert 103061:

Disclosure Timeline:
* 02/13/2007 - Initial vendor notification
* 02/15/2007 - Initial vendor response
* 10/02/2007 - Coordinated public disclosure


The information has been provided by iDefense.
The original article can be found at:



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