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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cisco: Mobile data traffic to grow 66-fold; Tech layoffs: The real numbers aren't so bad

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The Green Advantage
Most companies get into green IT for the lower electricity bills. But many organizations are finding that green IT initiatives can also be a meaningful source of real competitive advantage. Find out about four ways green IT is giving businesses an edge in today's tough marketplace.


Spotlight Story
Cisco: Mobile data traffic to grow 66-fold by 2013

Brad Reed By Brad Reed
A new report published by Cisco says that mobile Web traffic volume will double every year between now and 2013, when traffic will total roughly 2.2 million terabytes per month. Read full story

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The Green Advantage
Most companies get into green IT for the lower electricity bills. But many organizations are finding that green IT initiatives can also be a meaningful source of real competitive advantage. Find out about four ways green IT is giving businesses an edge in today's tough marketplace.


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  4. Google's Latitude: Not new, but worrisome
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Preparing for IPv6.
Get concrete facts on what IPv6 adoption means for your organization in this Executive Guide. Learn how IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist and the role of NAT devices in this new world. Find out if you need to develop a business case today and how to get started.
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