From Cisco Subnet This is Network World's Cisco Subnet news alert in which we focus on the top items from Cisco Subnet, your daily source for Cisco news, blogs, discussion items, security alerts, giveaways and more. More top picks from the week Test on Cisco IPS 7.0 shows boost in effectiveness Warner backing Cisco Eos Cisco prominent in 'G.I. Joe' Twitter -- am I on this island of logic alone? Are HP, 3Com a better value than Cisco? From our bloggers: Costello buys a computer from Abbott Jamey Heary: I loved watching Abbott and Costello as a kid so I couldn't resist sharing this skit with you all. It is reminiscent of the old who's on first, what's on second routine. Cutting out the channel, are we seeing Cisco's future with the launch of Eos? Brad Reese: Perhaps we're seeing Cisco's future with the launch of its new software platform - Eos. By cutting out channel partners as it sells Eos software, Cisco might be able to maintain high profit margins even during the ongoing commoditization of older Cisco products sold through the channel. Class of Service Dennis Hartmann: Class of service (CoS) implementations limit the types of phone calls end users of the phone system can make. CoS is an attempt to thwart toll fraud. Why CCNA is Difficult, Part II Wendell Odom: Last week, we got the discussion started about why the CCNA exam is considered to be so difficult. This week, I'll try to break down the exam itself into the components that make CCNA difficult. Will Organized Crime Syndicates Foil the Presidential Stimulus Package by using this Low-Level Attack? Author expert Ryan Trost: Organized crime syndicates are ridiculously powerful forces within the IT realm - stealing corporate/national secrets, forming netbot armies, finding 0-day exploits, identity theft, or even holding sensitive information for ransom. It's Really Only Partly Cloudy Out There Michael Morris: In the last couple blogs I listed some network issues I foresee with the coming Cloud Computing rush. There are five major areas I listed. But I also want to say, it's not all bad news. When censorship goes too far, we cannot say Gar-ner anymore Larry Chaffin: I received an e-mail from a company that puts companies in a square divided into four sections.The e-mail asked me to take down my blogs that contained this company's name. Finding an IPv6 ISP Scott Hogg: If you haven't already, now is the time to start to determine your strategy for IPv6 Internet connectivity. You should understand what IPv6 capabilities your existing ISP has. There are several places where you can find this information. August Giveaways Cisco Subnet is giving away training from Global Knowledge and 15 copies of Practical Intrusion Analysis; Microsoft Subnet is giving away training from Global Knowledge and 15 copies of SCCM 2007 Unleashed. Google Subnet is giving away 15 copies of Web Geek's Guide to Google Chrome. Entry forms can be found on the Cisco Subnet, Microsoft Subnet and Google Subnet home pages. Deadline for entries is August 31. Network World on Twitter? You bet we are |
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