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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Incomprehensible spam

Cyber war sabers rattle across the globe | Battle looms over securing virtualized systems

Network World Security Strategies

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Incomprehensible spam
Over the last year or so, my spam filters  (for both & have been receiving what seems like a steadily growing stream of spam written in languages – and using character sets – that I cannot read. Read More


Secure Your Data Where it Lives
WikiLeaks, Epsilon, TJX: Explosive headlines tell us that data leaks are common and dangerous. According to IDC, "Increasing Database security is one of the most efficient and cost effective measures an organization can take to prevent data leaks." Register Today!


Independent Lab Comparative Review
MierConsulting engineers conducted an hands-on, comparative review of three leading contact center packages, focusing on these products' multimedia, mixed voice and text-based contacts - capabilities. Read Now

Cyber war sabers rattle across the globe
A formal Pentagon cyber strategy may define which acts of digital sabotage constitute acts war that warrant conventional military retaliation, but cases clear-cut enough to justify such retaliation may be few and far between, experts say. Read More

Battle looms over securing virtualized systems
There's growing consensus that traditional approaches to network security -- the firewall and intrusion-prevention appliances, the host-based antivirus software -- simply do not work well in virtualized environments for which they were never designed. Read More

NASA plan takes the Internet into space and beyond
NASA this week said it was looking to build an ambitious Internet-like network that will support solar system-wide communication and navigation services. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Extreme Networks

Networks in Motion
Download this whitepaper today and discover how you can cost-effectively optimize your network for the mobile demands of today's business. Examine how IT can provide: * Personalization and intelligence. * Ease of operation. * Seamless quality of user experience. * Secure on-the-go access to public and private networks. Read now!

Big questions about cyberwar
The Pentagon is expected to announce a cyberstrategy this month that concludes a cyberattack on the U.S. can be an act of war, and while the damage from such an assault may warrant that position, hopefully this just amounts to loud barking given the perils involved. Read More

Microsoft Approves Cybersecurity Plan, PC Health Certificate Plan Gains Support
Scott Charney, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing, has been exceedingly busy. His growing positions of power may eventually make his plan for required "good health certificates" mandatory for all computers or any devices connected to the Internet to have unrestricted access. Read More

Hackers exploit Flash bug in new attacks against Gmail users
Adobe today confirmed that the Flash Player bug it patched Sunday is being used to steal login credentials of Google's Gmail users. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Diskeeper Corporation

The Efficiency Essentials You're Dead Without
This white paper takes you inside Diskeeper 2011 and clearly shows you why you shouldn't run your network without it. Learn more.

Why there's no Nobel Prize in Computing
When Nobel Prizes are dished out each fall, the most accomplished professionals in computing, telecom and IT have usually been left out in the cold. That's because there is no Nobel Prize for these fields, and it's unlikely there will be one any time soon. Read More

Apple iOS: Why it's the most secure OS, period
Several factors have combined to make the iPhone's and iPad's operating system into what is arguably the most secure commercial OS -- desktop or mobile Read More

Build a secure, customer-driven enterprise with an identity and context virtualization service
While directory-focused security initiatives and database-driven customer data integration (CDI) projects might seem to have little in common, a look under the hood reveals they begin with the same need, and would both benefit from a common infrastructure -- an "identity and context service." Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


10 SaaS companies to watch
These days, companies are applying the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to just about everything, from core business functions, including IT, to industry-specific processes. This list, compiled with the help of SaaS trend watchers and users, provides a representative look at what types of software you'll find offered in the cloud.


  1. Police: Man stole nude photos from hacked email accounts
  2. 8 hot features in Windows 8
  3. The 20 best gadgets of 2011 -- so far
  4. Why there's no Nobel Prize in Computing
  5. iPhone 5 rumor rundown for week ending June 3
  6. Cisco resorting to intimidation tactics
  7. First look at Windows 8
  8. RSA's INsecurID
  9. Ex-Cisco consumer chief Flips for grilled cheese
  10. Large-scale IPv6 trial set for June 8

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