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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

12 must-watch security startups for 2013

  FBI: Dirty deedsters are tweaking telephony attacks; coercion | Don't faint: Microsoft applauds hacker for Windows RT jailbreaking attempt
  Network World Security

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12 must-watch security startups for 2013
Despite security concerns, businesses are growing more confident in adopting cloud-based services, and in addition are investing more in corporate mobile devices while also allowing employees to use their own in bring-your-own-device mode at work. So it's not surprising that recent security startups are zeroing in on things such as encrypting data held in the cloud or how to safeguard corporate data on BYOD devices. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Raritan, Inc

The Distributed Enterprise: Remote Access and IT Management
For IT managers, remote offices can cause any number of headaches. Fortunately, Raritan offers solutions to help manage remote office control, security and budgetary issues. This white paper examines and analyzes the increases in uptime and security provided by out-of-band access and control tools. Learn more.

WEBCAST: PhoneFactor

Strong Security for Remote Workers Is Just a Phone Call Away
Join Steve Dispensa, PhoneFactor Chief Technology Officer, and Sarah Fender, PhoneFactor Vice President of Marketing & Product Management, to learn how phone-based authentication is helping companies tackle complex authentication challenges. Learn More

FBI: Dirty deedsters are tweaking telephony attacks; coercion
Scam artists continue to evolve their nasty side. The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is reporting an increase in what 's known as Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) attacks where criminals have tied up victims' employers phone systems in an effort to extort money. The IC3 said some of these attacks have been directed at emergency service agencies, preventing them from receiving and... Read More

Don't faint: Microsoft applauds hacker for Windows RT jailbreaking attempt
Marked as #FreeWindowsRT, a Nicaraguan hacker called @clrokr tweeted that Microsoft "Surface is such an impressive device - make it even better with Win32!" That would be because he found a way to run "unsigned desktop application on Windows RT." Read More

McAfee provides 'vision,' but few details on Intel-specific security push
McAfee plans to release in midyear software it developed with parent company Intel that would secure personal data and provide online authentication across PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Attachmate Luminet

Technical Barriers to Investigating Insider Fraud
Examines the limitations of common security controls when it comes to controlling insider abuse, with special attention to the types of abuse that can occur when insiders have legitimate access to enterprise information systems. Learn More

John McAfee spied on Belize Government using keyloggers
John McAfee's campaign against the Belize authorities has taken another strange turn with a claim on his blog that earlier this year he executed a huge software spying operation against them using a team of hackers and prostitutes and dozens of computers installed with keyloggers. Read More

Romanian sentenced to 21 months over payment card hacks
A 27-year-old Romanian man was sentenced Monday to 21 months in prison after admitting he was part of a group that stole payment card data from hundreds of computers belonging to merchants in the U.S. Read More

Windows RT can be tweaked to run desktop apps, hacker says
Running traditional desktop apps on Windows RT may be one step closer to reality, thanks to a vulnerability that a hacker claims lets you run any desktop app on the ARM version of Windows. Read More

WEBCAST: CDW Corporation

Unified Threat Management: A Better Approach to Security
In this Webcast you will learn how Unified Threat Management (UTM) combines firewall, IPS, Web filtering, antivirus and more in a single box to combat a broad range of threats efficiently and economically. Learn More.

CES 2013: Mobility gurus acknowledge privacy concerns, but worry about the impact of legislation
There is a growing discontent over digital privacy issues, but legislation would have a chilling effect on the development of new apps and ecosystems. That was the conclusion of a panel entitled "The Smartphone-Tablet Economy: Apps, Devices, Commerce and the Consumer Obsession" today at CES. Read More

New laws keep employers out of worker social media accounts
Employers in Illinois and California cannot ask for usernames and passwords to the personal social media accounts of employees and job seekers under laws that took effect on Jan. 1. Read More

When it comes to VoIP and unified communications, are you sacrificing security for cost savings?
If you were to ask most IT professionals to connect CRM or ERP applications to an external IP network without some form of network security, they would look at you as if you had lost your mind. Even the most basic cloud-based business applications integrate security to help ensure the integrity of data and continuity of the service. Yet many organizations today are deploying business critical IP-based voice and video communications without applying standard corporate security policies. Read More



Best of CES 2013: In pictures
Here's what's grabbing our attention right now at the sprawling CES 2013 gadget show in Las Vegas.

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  1. For the first time, a small data breach draws a big fine ($50K)
  2. HP's touch Sleekbook cheaper alternative to ultrabooks
  3. 10 mobile startups to watch
  4. Like Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent funding SDN startup
  5. Why I abandoned Windows Phone 8
  6. 10 free router and IP admin tools you should know about
  7. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Jan. 4
  8. Thieves break into Microsoft HQ - steal only Apple products
  9. 8 classic IT hiring mistakes and how to avoid them
  10. Best of CES 2013: in pictures

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