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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

For the first time, a small data breach draws a big fine ($50K)

Security Skills Shortage Is Impacting Incident Detection | DARPA in search of a 100 Gb/sec wireless technology that can penetrate clutter

Network World Security

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For the first time, a small data breach draws a big fine ($50K)
Losing a single laptop containing sensitive personal information about 441 patients will cost a non-profit Idaho hospice center $50,000, marking the first such penalty involving fewer than 500 data-breach victims. The data was unencrypted. Read More


Vital Security Strategies for Microsoft Exchange
The demand for access to email anytime, anywhere, from any device makes it critical for IT to ensure Microsoft Exchange deployments are secure, fast, and available. Learn about vital security requirements every Exchange environment should have in place to improve security and availability for Exchange. Read Now.


Centralized Key Mgmt Is Critical For Storage Security
In this paper, the current storage encryption and key management landscape will be examined, the fallout that has accompanied the swift expansion of these separate and divergent systems will be identified, and the core attributes and requirements for a centralized EKM system will be presented. Learn More

Security Skills Shortage Is Impacting Incident Detection
I've been writing about the pervasive IT security skills shortage for the last few years and will continue to do so in 2013. I don't know why this critical issue doesn't receive more attention – you can mass produce antivirus software but until we can clone CISSPs, the security skills shortage will have an increasing impact on the state of cybersecurity. Read More

DARPA in search of a 100 Gb/sec wireless technology that can penetrate clutter
Talk about a high-capacity wireless network. Researchers at DARPA this week will detail a program - with over $18.3 million in funding behind it - that looks to develop wireless communications links capable of supporting 100 Gb/sec capacity at ranges of 125 miles for air-to-air links and about 62 miles for air-to-ground links from an altitude of 60,000 ft. Read More

WEBCAST: PhoneFactor

Strong Security for Remote Workers Is Just a Phone Call Away
Join Steve Dispensa, PhoneFactor Chief Technology Officer, and Sarah Fender, PhoneFactor Vice President of Marketing & Product Management, to learn how phone-based authentication is helping companies tackle complex authentication challenges. Learn More

Wayward security certificates raise question of SSL reliability
As consumers, we've been taught to trust the padlock icon that appears on the address bar of our browsers. We're told it's a sign our communication with a website is safe. But an incident this week involving Google and a Turkish security company belies that notion. Read More

Thieves break into Microsoft HQ - steal only Apple products
Microsoft reports the theft of five iPads from its Mountain View office, all Microsoft equipment left un-stolen. Read More

WEBCAST: CDW Corporation

Unified Threat Management: A Better Approach to Security
In this Webcast you will learn how Unified Threat Management (UTM) combines firewall, IPS, Web filtering, antivirus and more in a single box to combat a broad range of threats efficiently and economically. Learn More.

Top email terms used by corporate fraudsters published by FBI
Software developed by the FBI and Ernst & Young has revealed the most common words used in email conversations among employees engaged in corporate fraud. Read More

12 Security Resolutions for 2013
Among your typical New Year's resolutions--lose weight, stop smoking, be happier--you should consider making some pledges to better secure your digital life. You might even be healthier if you can prevent the stress of a digital disaster, like malware wiping out your PC, having your online accounts hacked, or becoming a victim of identify theft because of a phishing scam or data theft. With that in mind, here are some security resolutions you should consider for the new year. Read More


33 Best & Worst Celebrity Tech Moments of 2012
Playing Steve Jobs, Gaga over social networking and more tech endorsements than you can shake an iPhone at.

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  1. 10 free router and IP admin tools you should know about
  2. Video about ESD both shocking and funny
  3. Chrome, Firefox, IE to block fraudulent digital certificate
  4. DOD saves $100 million a year with new Microsoft licensing deal
  5. Samsung teases new TV design at CES 2013
  6. CES 2013: Products to watch for
  7. Cisco, others eyeing $3.7 billion SDN market
  8. Best tech colleges are harder than ever to get in
  9. Could China blocking VPNs lead to spying on business?
  10. Thinking of counterattack? Deception is better, say experts

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