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Thursday, February 21, 2013

CloudTweaks Daily Newsletter

Latest News Feb 21, 2013

Health Care Moving To The Cloud

Health Care Moving To The Cloud

Modern Health Care is an exercise in information management as much as it is patient care.

We can see this with a visit to the Administrative section of any modern hospital. The first thing we will see is a huge bank of filing cabinets containing patient records. Ideally, each folder will represent an individual patient, and each treatment and interaction between the patient, his doctor, and the hospital staff will be recorded in the folder. ...

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Why Agentless Security Is The Future Of Private Cloud Protection

Why Agentless Security Is The Future Of Private Cloud Protection

As technology continues to evolve, new terminology is introduced into mainstream culture. If you’ve never heard of agentless security before, you are not alone. Agentless security is a new, dynamic security solution that harnesses the power of cloud technology to monitor computers and smart devices without the aid of a physical agent or deployable monitoring protocol. There are a growing number of applications for agentless security, starting with virtual server environments where installing an agent is not feasible, and continuing into the public cloud arena. More recently, installation of agentless security has been explored for use with private cloud security as well. ...

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Cloud Infographic: Cloud Storage 2013

Cloud Infographic: Cloud Storage 2013

Future Trends And Prospects In Cloud Technology – Year 2013

Many technology experts think that cloud technology has not reached its maturity yet; it may take it about five or more years to mature if the present pace of growth remains consistent. It is being anticipated that the growth will be even more in the field of ...

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Featured Free Resource

SANS Survey on Application Security Policies in Enterprises

Learn how organizations are addressing application security.

Double Taxing The Cloud

Double Taxing the Cloud

New cloud taxes in Idaho are further proof that it's time to look for a standardized solution.

The news hasn't made waves in the wider media, but when I heard that Idaho might start taxing cloud services, it definitely made me sit up and take notice. ...

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Swelling Business Volume Of Cloud Computing Business Across the Globe

Swelling Business Volume of Cloud Computing Business Across the Globe

Many research and studies verify the fact that the volume of the cloud computing business is swelling exponentially across the globe – ...

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Death, Taxes, And The Cloud

Death, Taxes, And The Cloud

There are a few inevitabilities left in the universe. They are not always pleasant, but they are a fact of life, and although we may be able to point to exceptions, the exceptions serve to solidify the truth of the inevitability. ...

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Featured Free Resource

Online Data Backup an Essential and Efficient Solution to Any Business

Many small and medium sized businesses either do not backup their data or they do it infrequently and on-site. Either way, you risk losing important data that could pose a financial or security liability to your business.

The Office 365 vs Google Apps Battle: Who Will Dominate Enterprise Software?

The Office 365 vs Google Apps Battle: Who Will Dominate Enterprise Software?

Long ago in the days of yore, computing looked very different. Everyone had a PC that they were tethered to at their desk, and that PC almost always had Microsoft Office installed. Eventually, people were hard-pressed to do their job without it; it became an omnipresence, a giant. It's no surprise that this occurred; Office was designed for the era of PCs, and it worked very well with them. ...

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Idaho Now Circumspect On Whether Cloud Computing Is Taxable

Idaho Now Circumspect On Whether Cloud Computing Is Taxable

The State of Idaho is the latest accessory to the fact on one of the most rave debates, concerning the legality of cloud computing as a physical entity that attracts levy, subject to a 1993 bill that proved that it is. ...

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Cloud Technology Has Better Network Availability Than Enterprise Data Center

Cloud Technology Has Better Network Availability Than Enterprise Data Center

It is hard to compare between on-site enterprise data centers and cloud technology but, if we closely observe the trends, we would be able to understand that the facts and figures are in the favor of cloud technology. Cloud hosting is getting more and more popular in the domain of IT industry as compared to the enterprise data centers. Although each of these technologies has its own pros and cons, the fundamental difference between the two is the availability factor. ...

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