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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

CSO’s 2013 Buying Dynamics Survey – Chance at $250 cash!

Here at CSO, we know you're busy. Today, CSO invites you to tell us in our 2013 Buying Dynamics Study, that should take no more than 10 minutes of your valuable time, about the buying process for IT security products and services:

- Who at your organization is involved during the purchase process for IT security technologies or solutions?
- Who is the primary decision-maker or lead for these purchases?
- How does the average purchase cycle differ for major IT security purchases versus minor IT security purchases?
As a thank you for participating in this research, at the conclusion of the survey you will have the opportunity to enter a sweepstakes to win a $250 cash prize!
To participate, simply click on the link below or copy and paste into your preferred browser:
We learn a lot from what you have to say, so thank you for your continued support of our research!
The survey is confidential; neither your name nor your company's name will be associated with your answers. Please be assured that any responses you provide will be used only in combination with those of other survey responses. If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact our sister company IDG Research Services at
Thank you for your help. Your contribution to the success of this research is greatly appreciated.

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