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Monday, September 09, 2013

Smartwatches, Salesforce Files, and the NSA

Forget the haters: Galaxy Gear and Note 3 make a great team | Salesforce realizes nobody wants to store their files in Salesforce

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September 09, 2013
InCITE Your twice weekly digest of the most important developments in the consumerization of IT

Smartwatches aren't the next big thing -- but they're part of it

The next big thing isn't going to be a device, but the use-case scenarios that these connected devices, be they phones, watches, glasses, tablets, car dashboards, or flexible display, bring to bear by working in concert with other technologies.

Forget the haters: Galaxy Gear and Note 3 make a great team

I've heard a lot of fuss about smartwatches lately, but I wasn't entirely convinced. After spending some time today with the new Samsung Galaxy Gear watch and Galaxy Note 3 phone, I'm starting to see the light. Here's why.

Salesforce realizes nobody wants to store their files in Salesforce

Salesforce Files takes another shot at improving file collaboration within Salesforce -- this time, by supporting third-party repositories rather than forcing duplicate files to be created.

If the NSA can break internet encryption, chances are so can someone else

The flaw in building a way around any security protocol is that no matter how altruistic those reasons may be, once there is a flaw, anyone can exploit it.

5 cool and useful third-party apps for Google Drive

Google Drive makes it easy for users to store, access and share synced files from the cloud. A number of third-party apps can make Google Drive even more useful.

Chrome desktop apps show the shortcomings of a browser-based OS

Google's release of Chrome Apps shows both the shortcomings with web apps and the gamble Google is taking to try to compensate for those shortcomings.

Microsoft finally pulled the trigger -- thoughts about the Nokia deal

Buying Nokia won't fix Windows Phone's flaws overnight, but so what? It feels more like part of Microsoft's plan to set itself up for the next 10 years.


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