| | | | | | | | | China's Wealth:
Dan Collins , the founder of Tiger Hill Capital, a Hong Kong based asset management company, has lived in China for 15 years. On Thursday's show, he addressed how China's unprecedented industrial revolution has created massive wealth. Since the reform in the 1970s, in which citizens began to be allowed to reap rewards from their own businesses, China's economy has catapulted ahead to become the world's largest. In the economic sense, it's actually more capitalistic than the United States, but politically it's absolutely communist, with tight controls, and little or no voting, he pointed out. "On the economic side, it's totally the Wild West-- no property taxes, no environmental regulations," and it's very easy to open a new business, he remarked, adding that there are an estimated 60 billionaires in the Chinese Politburo. By not being a democracy, China was able to make quick economic strides such as putting in a high-speed rail system in a short number of years. They are currently building 50,000 skyscrapers (the equivalent of 10 New York City's), and they've constructed 70 international airports in the last 10 years, he cited, adding that there are one million Chinese citizens now living in Africa, pursuing business opportunities, and tapping into the bounty of natural resources there. China has been increasing military spending by over 10% a year for decades, but Collins doesn't foresee them attacking America-- they are much more interested in areas closer to home such as Taiwan, and countries near their borders, he said. For the US to beat or more readily compete with China, he believes it needs to overhaul its tax system, and move to a consumption tax that is more friendly to business and manufacturing.
| | | | | | Food Independence:
Expert in self-reliance and backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft, has been seen on such TV shows as Doomsday Preppers . In the second half, she discussed her work helping people to become more resilient by loosening their dependence on corporate agriculture, and setting up easy ways to produce food no matter how small your home may be. While current US citizens are not used to famine, drought, and power outages, various disruptions have been a part of human history, she noted, and as a practical matter it can be extremely valuable to have experience growing your own food. Grocery stores only have about four days worth of food, she added. The process of industrial agriculture has lowered the nutritional value of food over the years, Wildcraft suggested. For instance, to get the nutritive value of one carrot from 50 years ago, you'd have to eat 11 carrots today, she reported. Being able to directly work with the earth and grow your own food is incredibly self-empowering, and improves strength and fitness as well, she stated. Starting small rather than trying for complete self-sufficiency is a good way to begin, such as planting a 50 sq. foot plot for potatoes, or getting involved in a community garden. For more, check out Wildcraft's video , as well as her free online event "Home Grown Food Summit" in which 30+ leading experts in backyard food production will share tips from April 6 through April 12.
| | | | | Today in Strangeness:
On this date in 1974, the Super Outbreak occurred-- the the second largest number of tornadoes in recorded history. In a 24-hour period, 148 twisters were confirmed in 13 US states. In 1996, the "Unabomber " Ted Kaczynski was nabbed at his isolated cabin in Montana.
Coast to Coast AM Schedule 4.3.15 - 4.9.15:
Here's what's coming up in the next week!Friday, April 3, 2015: In the first half, senior astronomer at SETI, Seth Shostak, shares updates on the search for extraterrestrial signals, and comments on a recent report of strange radio bursts from space. Followed by Open Lines. Hosted by George Noory.
Saturday, April 4, 2015: Joining Richard Syrett in the first half, Barrie Schwortz, an expert on the Shroud of Turin, will discuss the latest updates on the Shroud and new evidence that may prove that the burial cloth is authentic. Followed by Samuel Zinner, a multidisciplinary researcher, who'll update us on the the Jordan Codices-- seventy ancient metal books that might change the world's view of biblical history and prove not only the existence of Christ, but his resurrection too.
6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 8/7/97 when Dr. John E. Holland from Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) addressed remote viewing and psychic phenomena from a scientific perspective. Sunday, April 5, 2015: In the first half, George Noory welcomes Dr. Joel Wallach, who'll discuss the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means. Followed by professor, author and researcher, Ken Hanson, who talks about the archaeology behind the trial of Jesus in Jerusalem. He'll clarify who was responsible for the crucifixion, and address misconceptions about currently held beliefs. Monday, April 6, 2015: First Half: Researcher, adventurer and documentary filmmaker, Stephen Sindoni has been exploring the mystery of Earth origins for almost 15 years. He'll share evidence for the Hollow Earth, as well as communications from Native American elders that relate to and support the Hollow Earth theory.
2nd Half: Philosopher and student of science and human nature, Anthony Alvarado, talks about his quest to unlock the secrets of the human mind, and the magic of the imagination. He'll cover the techniques used by artists, inventors and free-thinkers to unlock the power of their subconscious minds and change reality through changing perception. Hosted by George Noory. Tuesday, April 7, 2015: Author and researcher Steve Quayle will discuss his latest work on giants, whom he believes were the builders of ancient civilizations, and how Iceland is in the middle of a conflict between developers and those who wish to preserve land belonging to "hidden people" (little people or elves). He'll also update the many serious issues plaguing humankind including the threat of WWIII, drought, and Ebola. Hosted by George Noory. Wednesday, April 8, 2015: First Half: Bob Fletcher is a retired investigative researcher who conducted a probe into the CIA's involvement in US drug trade. Since then, he's turned his attention to the return of Planet X (Nibiru) and will discuss the latest evidence for the rogue planet, and how China is developing underground cities to protect against the impending breakdowns in infrastructure and society.
2nd Half: Former airline captain Mark Baird will discuss his work establishing the state of Jefferson in Northern California which could become the 51st state of the USA. He'll address the many reasons for establishing a new state including one of the most urgent - the mismanagement of precious water resources, and how policies are exacerbating the drought conditions in California and impacting food prices across the nation. Hosted by George Noory. Thursday, April 9, 2015: Debra Martin is a lab certified research medium who has been studied by Dr. Gary Schwartz and Dr. Julie Beischel who documented her ability to connect to the spirit world. Sheri Getten is a Level III Reconnection healing practitioner who works with Debra to facilitate spiritual healing. They'll discuss the science behind what happens in the brain during sessions, and their work with Dr. Eben Alexander, the Harvard neurosurgeon who saw heaven during his coma episode. Hosted by George Noory. |
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