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Romney: "Every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed" on uranium deal 4/24/2015 10:01:50 AM Ed Morrissey 33 Comments Mitt Romney made the argument around which everyone else danced yesterday after the New York Times exposed the UraniumOne deal and its principals’ big cash avalanche to the Clinton Foundation. The State Department’s approval of the deal under More... Politinerds: Marlo Lewis on ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard 4/24/2015 9:21:50 AM Jazz Shaw 8 Comments On this week’s edition of Politinerds, Doug and I are joined by Marlo Lewis, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Marlo is an authority on energy issues, specifically the impacts of ethanol on both the economy and the consumer More... White House: You know, Hillary is totally with us on this trade deal 4/24/2015 8:41:18 AM Noah Rothman 21 Comments On the issue of trade, Hillary Clinton is walking a tightrope. The prohibitive Democratic nominee for the presidency in 2016 is facing substantial pressure from her left to denounce the Trans-Pacific Partnership as have progressives like Sen. Elizabeth More... Breaking: Italian police take down "very well-structured" AQ network poised to attack the Vatican 4/24/2015 8:01:06 AM Ed Morrissey 64 Comments Italian police raided several locations today throughout the country, arresting eighteen people in an effort to shut down a “very well-structured” al-Qaeda finance and operations network. The ring had targeted the Vatican in 2010 and again More... Quotes of the day 4/23/2015 10:41:54 PM Allahpundit 268 Comments The White House was forced to concede on Thursday that it killed two innocent hostages – one American, one Italian – in a drone strike that targeted an al-Qaida compound despite officials not knowing precisely who was in the vicinity… They mark the More... NYT reporter: Misdirecting on Clinton stories is what Media Matters "exists to do" 4/23/2015 10:01:55 PM Mary Katharine Ham 34 Comments A rare and enjoyable moment of open dissent on Alex Wagner’s MSNBC show today as both New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and Bloomberg reporter Josh Green refuse to recognize the House of David Brock’s Hair as the legitimate news source is More... Hillary camp: Look, there's not a "shred of evidence" any of this foreign money led to corruption 4/23/2015 9:21:13 PM Guy Benson 64 Comments Perhaps not the the most effective messaging in the history of politics, but this is the corner in which Team Hillary finds itself, in the wake of two major bombshells that detonated this morning: Shorter Clinton Campaign: “All of this smoke is not More... Jindal: We need to defend religious liberty with public policy 4/23/2015 8:41:05 PM Ed Morrissey 41 Comments Dude, he’s running. While other Republicans struggle to deal with the media’s insistence on making RSVP answers to hypothetical wedding invitations a litmus test for the presidency, Bobby Jindal has decided to double down on support for More... NYT: Ted Cruz just held a campaign event at the home of two gay businessmen, you know 4/23/2015 8:01:31 PM Allahpundit 103 Comments This NYT story, an obvious attempt at a gotcha that’ll damage Cruz among his base, will do more damage to the two businessmen within their own circle of allies, I suspect. It’s one thing for Ted Cruz, social conservative, to socialize with More... Who is really drawing out the Benghazi investigation? 4/23/2015 7:21:47 PM Noah Rothman 21 Comments On Thursday, the chairman of the select committee tasked with investigating the Benghazi attacks, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), followed through with his promise to compel former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify before the committee again. In a More... NYT: 60 fired VA employees turns out to be … zero 4/23/2015 6:41:46 PM Ed Morrissey 21 Comments In the wake of the wait-list scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Obama administration promised to impose accountability. Barack Obama himself asked VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign, and appointed Robert McDonald to instill more More... Russian forces building up on the border as the fighting returns to Ukraine 4/23/2015 6:01:07 PM Noah Rothman 12 Comments Over the winter, a lull in the fighting between Russian-backed rebels and the Ukrainian military was mistaken by many to be an observance of the terms of a February ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk. That agreement was never observed by either party. More... Would Loretta Lynch have been confirmed if the filibuster still applied to presidential nominations? 4/23/2015 5:21:12 PM Allahpundit 34 Comments The short answer: Of course she would have. The longer answer: Of course she would have, silly. Don’t be fooled by the fact that she “only” got 56 votes for confirmation, which would have been enough to block her before Harry Reid ended More... Senate GOP leadership wants to restore federal ObamaCare subsidies through 2017 if SCOTUS strikes them down 4/23/2015 4:41:10 PM Allahpundit 422 Comments Remember the Halbig case? There’s a part of the ObamaCare statute that says you’re eligible for money from Uncle Sam to pay the premiums on your new health insurance plan provided that you bought your plan on “an exchange established by More... David Frum: Elizabeth Warren is probably going to run 4/23/2015 4:01:20 PM Noah Rothman 65 Comments Following a brief feint in which the White House masterfully exploited the servility of congressional Republicans to create the impression that Barack Obama was still firmly in command of the country's destiny, the revolt of liberal lawmakers over a More... Video: Megyn Kelly offers helpful advice to students seeking "safe space" from opinions 4/23/2015 3:21:38 PM Ed Morrissey 85 Comments “Life doesn’t only involve the people who think the way you think,” Megyn Kelly told college students toward the end of her interview with Christina Hoff Sommers. Kelly and Sommers discuss the latter’s recent experiences at More... Thursday TEMS: Duane Patterson, Phelim McAleer 4/23/2015 2:51:53 PM Ed Morrissey 0 Comments Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! Duane "Generalissimo" Patterson brings us up to date on the week's top stories and gives us a preview of tonight's Hugh Hewitt show. Phelim McAleer returns More... Poll: Rubio leads the GOP field, fares best against Hillary in 2016 4/23/2015 2:41:52 PM Noah Rothman 68 Comments As the 2016 presidential cycle looms larger in the minds of political reporters, the "invisible primary" is becoming less and less opaque. The hawkish casino magnate, notable establishmentarian, and prolific GOP donor Sheldon Adelson is reportedly More... Must watch: How the Clintons helped Russia buy up American uranium — to Iran's potential benefit 4/23/2015 2:01:21 PM Allahpundit 60 Comments Via Guy Benson, a must-see if you missed Jazz’s post early this morning about the erupting volcano of Clinton corruption or if you’re just having trouble following the money in this complex, multinational, multigovernment nightmare of More... Open thread: Loretta Lynch confirmation vote; Update: Confirmed, 56-43 4/23/2015 1:21:12 PM Ed Morrissey 339 Comments After months of waiting for a vote, Loretta Lynch’s confirmation will finally come to the Senate floor this afternoon. President Barack Obama formally nominated Lynch after the midterm elections, and Democrats passed up the chance to hold a More... Watch: Team Hillary's attempts to dredge up a new right-wing conspiracy aren't working 4/23/2015 12:41:44 PM Noah Rothman 48 Comments As a gift to American society on Thursday, John Podhoretz altruistically delved into the vast recesses of his memory and revisited a dark period in American history. It was a time when spurious McCarthyism inexplicably managed to exculpate the Clintons More... Coming up next: Bush Cash? 4/23/2015 12:01:14 PM Ed Morrissey 23 Comments Is Peter Schweizer serious about his next project, or is he just a marketing genius? As excerpts of Schweizer’s upcoming book Clinton Cash keep dripping out through media partnerships that Schweizer set up, the Left has rushed to the ramparts to More... Rubio raking in big bucks from rich pro-amnesty Republicans by touting his "immigration record" behind closed doors 4/23/2015 11:21:04 AM Allahpundit 139 Comments "Marco gives the same speech with donors that he does in public,” one Rubio advisor assured BuzzFeed. I’m sure he’s right. After all, when has Marco Rubio ever said different things to different audiences about his stance on More... Is the Time Warner – Comcast deal on the rocks? 4/23/2015 10:41:56 AM Jazz Shaw 34 Comments It’s been more than a year since Comcast initially launched their bid to merge with Time Warner Cable in a stock swap deal reported to be worth more than $45B. (That’s “billion” with a B.) Because of the nature of the deal and the More... | ![]() |
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