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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained

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Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained

Whitley's First Words about His Book Coming Next Year
Whitley Strieber has teamed up with Jeff Kripal, the Religion Chair at Rice University in Houston, to write what their publisher Tarcher/Penguin is calling the most important book on the paranormal since Charles Fort published the Book of the Damned in 1919.  It will be released in February of 2016, and Whitley will be writing and talking about it often between now and then. To read Whitley's new journal entry describing the book more fully, click here.
Dreamland: Great Energies are Returning. Tricia McCannon Explains
First Half (Free)
Tricia McCannon is one of the great wisdom teachers of our time, and this week she brings her knowledge to Dreamland in this powerful discussion of her book the Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis and Mary Magdalene.

Where are we right now in the history of the human race, and where are we going as we pass from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius? extremely powerful energies are at work all around us right now.

Second Half of Dreamland (Subscription)

Tricia McCannon is uniquely qualified to describe for us where the powerful transformative energies we are experiencing right now are taking us. Look back over the past ten years, and you will see a cascade of amazing changes. So, let's take a look at the BIGGER picture. There is a reason that the movement from Pisces to Aquarius actually is bringing the exact sort of transformation predicted.

Why is has this amazing transformation happened, and what does it have to do with the alchemy of the soul and mankind's journey through the cosmos? Almost nobody on Earth can coherently voice these burning questions, let alone answer them. Tricia McCannon is among a tiny handful of visionaries and philosophers who can. Explore with her, and see.
Click here to listen!. (Show starts on Friday)
The Experience: The Psychic Universe
Is the physical universe embedded in a psychic universe emanating from a spiritual one? According to Chris Leask's experiences, the answer is yes. We will explore his experiences and the implications, including, in the second half of the show for subscribers, one that may have involved host Jeremy Vaeni.
To listen, click here!
From the Archive: A Witness is Interviewed WHILE He is Taping a UFO
In 2007, Randy Bell had a close encounter of the third kind. Since then, he had found that UFOs often show up in his life, and he has not only got the videotape to prove it, Oregon MUFON has done an exceptional report on one of his sightings. There is little question about the authenticity of what Randy Bell is witnessing, and, in this interview, he talks to us as he is actually videotaping a UFO.
To listen, click here.
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