NEW! 10,000-Seat wVoIP Deployment in Japan [July 25, 2005] Meru Networks today announced a deal to build a network that will bring wireless voice and data to Osaka Gas's 50 offices. NEW! Netgear Builds In Security [July 26, 2005] The infrastructure vendor has a new initiative to provide advanced (and affordable) security for home and small business PCs from the router. NEW! Zultys Adds Wi-Fi Phone [July 25, 2005] This VoIP and IP-PBX maker is releasing its first wireless phone with all the features found in its enterprise class wired sets. NEW! Hotspot Hits [July 22, 2005] The latest in public access Wi-Fi: Philadelphia Wireless narrows its choices; T-Mobile expands at Dallas airport; B.C. city has first WebNet hotzone; and more. More News >> Interested in placing your TEXT AD HERE? Click Here  NEW! Sputnik's Temporary WLANs [July 26, 2005] Firm is working to support not just hotspots but also short-lived networks for everything from emergencies to big events, all without putting strain on the customer. NEW! Wi-Fi at the War Office [July 25, 2005] All Points Logistics is an integrator that is striking gold with military and government deployments after earning a certification from the Department of Defense, but it won't be alone for long. NEW! Rio Rancho: Innovations for Voice [July 22, 2005] Making VoWi-Fi work citywide takes some tricks and special deals. More Insights >> BVS has released Yellowjacket(R) version 4.0 software for HP iPAQ PocketPC(R) 2003 platform. FREE for all Yellowjacket(R)802.11b users, the update includes new analysis screens likeSignal-to-Noise Ratio (includes per channel noise readings),Channel Frequency Response and WISP Antenna Alignment.Screen JPEG snapshots supported for all analysis screens,improved MAC listing and spectrum analysis screens. http://www.bvsystems.com | Interested in placing your TEXT AD HERE? Click Here  NEW! KoolSpan (Part 2: The Test) [July 22, 2005] In Part 1 we described this secure access product's architecture, our test network configuration, and client installation. This week, we test the product in the office and on the road. KoolSpan (Part 1: The Tools) [July 15, 2005] KoolSpan's novel SecurEdge "Lock and Key" solution provides simple secure access over any kind of LAN, wired or wireless, local or remote. HomeNet Manager 2.0 [July 14, 2005] This try-before-you-buy utility aims to simplify networking tasks by providing a single place from which to view and manage network devices, share resources and troubleshoot problems. More Reviews >>  Mesh Networking a Viable Alternative [July 14, 2005] Mesh networking is making its way into municipal Wi-Fi networks, but use within enterprises is questionable. Learn the ins and outs of mesh networking and see if it fits into your wireless deployment. WEP, WPA and Wireless Security [June 30, 2005] Wireless networking is relatively easy to setup, but it's also easy to forget the importance of protecting yourself. PracticallyNetworked dissect WEP and WPA and offers some commonsense advice. More Tutorials >>
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