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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Townhall PM - More States Sue Over Obama's Amnesty - January 27, 2015

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Nevada and Tennessee Make It 26 States Suing To Stop Obama's Amnesty
Conn Carroll
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Monday that both Nevada and Tennessee have joined the Lone Star state's challenge of President Obama's executive amnesty, bringing the total number of states fighting Obama's unilateral immigration policies to 26.
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Auschwitz Liberated 70 Years Ago Today
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One Foundation's Heroic Efforts to Honor America's Bravest
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Women Line Up for Concealed Carry Permits Part II
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Hmm: Hillary Weighs Skipping Democratic Debates in 2016?
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Heavy Hitters Sharyl Attkisson, Jonathan Turley, Sheriff David Clarke to Testify at Attorney General Nomination Hearing
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Obama Administration Still Pretty Upset Boehner Invited Netanyahu to Speak
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VIDEO: Should the House Pass the Pain-capable Unborn Child Protection Act?
Townhall and RedState teamed up to ask some of the potential 2016 presidential candidates if the House should pass the Pain-capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
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GOP Abortion Bill: Right Ends, Wrong Means
Cal Thomas
As thousands descended on Washington last week for the annual "March for Life," the Republican House of Representatives was busy watering down an antiabortion bill that restricted abortions after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape or incest, with exemptions allowed only after a police report had been filed.
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Are Today's Millennials a New Victorian Generation?
Michael Barone
Public policymakers and political pundits tend to focus on problems -- understandably, because if things are going right they aren't thought to need attention.
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VIDEO: Cruz: We Need to Restore America's Leadership
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz discusses his views on President Obama and foreign policy as he addresses the Iowa Freedom Summit
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VIDEO: Poll: Obama Approval Hits 50 Percent
A Gallup poll released Monday shows President Obama's approval ratings at the highest in 19 months.
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Youth Vote Is Key to 2016 and Saving America
Chuck Norris
Barack Obama was ushered into the Oval Office by a wave of young supporters and first-time voters in 2008. However, they are now among those most disillusioned with Obama and his regime, and they are the ticket to winning the 2016 presidential election and preserving the heart and soul of our republic.
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Report: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion
Katie Pavlich
According to Retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was traded by the Obama administration for five high risk Taliban leaders last year, will be charged with desertion. Shaffer broke the news last night on the O'Reilly Factor.
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Why Everyone Should Be A Feminist Staff
Radical feminists have hijacked the movement for far too long. Its time to take it back.
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