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Friday, January 16, 2015

VIDEO: Fallen Cop's Body Cam Shows All You Need to Know About Why Officer Wilson Shot and more...

VIDEO: Fallen Cop’s Body Cam Shows All You Need to Know About Why Officer Wilson Shot

There has been a massive push recently to equip police officers all across the country with body cameras, ostensibly to prevent alleged police brutality against minorities, which is a legitimate concern, although it occurs far less often than the media leads us to believe. However, police body cams often serve just as well to clear


BREAKING: Massive News About Ben Carson

Conservatives watching the 2016 presidential race beginning to shape up have been rather disappointed with the prospective candidates thus far. Mitt Romney looks great in comparison to his opponent in 2012, but he’s hardly the most conservative candidate the Republicans have to offer. Mike Huckabee is fine on social issues, but less reliably small government in


URGENT: Here’s the Disgusting Thing Race Rioters Did to a 83-Year-Old Car Crash Victim

Protesters blocking a section of Interstate 93 on Thursday morning near Boston caused delays to ambulances, fouled rush-hour traffic and forced first responder resources to be allocated to them instead of where they needed to be. As a result, an 83-year old man with injuries from a traffic accident had to be re-routed to a


The UK Made a Huge Move Against the Muslim Brotherhood… It Puts Obama to Shame

The United Kingdom may have finally had enough of the Muslim Brotherhood. New reports indicate that the U.K. is working on a plan to keep the radical Islamic group from gaining more traction or political power. That decision is a sharp contrast to the polices of President Barack Obama’s administration, which continues to play word games


BOOM: Charlie Daniels Nails Obama Over Gitmo in Just 1 Tweet [TWEET]

Country music legend Charlie Daniels is certainly no fan of President Barack Obama and has often taken to Twitter to express his disgust with the way that Obama and members of his administration conduct themselves. Daniels has also been highly critical of Congress, particularly Sen. Harry Reid, and has been extremely outspoken on issues like the


Muslims Plan “Stand With the Prophet” Rally This Weekend… But Look Where It’s At

The state of Texas has a rather wide streak of independence and conservatism running through it. In fact, there is even a growing movement of those seeking to turn Texas back into its own independent, conservative country. Thus, it came as something of a surprise that Texas is the chosen location of an upcoming Muslim “Stand


BREAKING: Potential 2016 Candidate Calls for “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama

Ohio Gov. John Kasich thinks that the federal government’s irresponsible spending is bankrupting future generations, but he doesn’t expect even a Republican-controlled legislature to correct itself. That’s why the conservative Republican is travelling the country in hopes of getting more states to petition Congress for a convention of the states to debate a balanced budget


BOOM: Obama’s Presidential Library Gets Some Bad News… This Photo Sums It Up [PHOTO]

As President Barack Obama’s term in the Oval Office thankfully nears a close, the time has come for the president to decide where he will locate his honorary presidential library. Leading candidates for the library are University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Columbia University in New York City, the University of Illinois in Chicago, as well as


ALERT: Muslim Brotherhood Makes Major Move INSIDE the United States [DETAILS]

There may be a chilling political movement happening within the United States. A recent report indicates that radical-leaning Islamic groups may be planning to use America’s own political system to push the country toward a takeover by Shariah law. The respected financial news source Investor’s Business Daily revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood is working to


Mother Faced With Incredibly Difficult Decision Ends Up Making the Right One [PHOTO]

Recently, a mother pregnant with twins found out that there could be complications at birth and was given two choices that were nothing short of awful. The mother and father who were expecting two little ones were told that the chances of their babies’ survival were slim due to two complications the babies were experiencing


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