Dr. Ben Carson has been labeled an “extremist” by left-wing groups, but his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference made him seem like the most common-sensical man in the room. The author and retired neurosurgeon called out the alarming expansion of welfare under the Obama administration, and laid out his vision for a better America. “In  Sarah Palin is on a roll. The controversial former governor of Alaska may not be on the ballot in 2016, but she clearly is still able to rile up a crowd. That’s exactly what Palin did at the Conservative Political Action Conference this week — and her strong criticism of President Barack Obama is now making headlines.  Let’s be perfectly clear: adultery is no laughing matter. It can ruin lives, families, careers — well, just about everything it touches. Having said that, a healthy sense of humor is also one of the mechanisms that God has given to humanity to help cope with some of the most difficult moments of our lives. Case  In one of the stranger cases of apparent suicide in recent political history, Missouri Auditor and Republican Tom Schweich was found dead in his home Thursday morning, just minutes after scheduling an interview with the Associated Press. Only 13 minutes passed after his call ended with a representative from the AP before he was found  President Barack Obama’s ego is getting completely out of control. The president just said something that is extremely revealing about how he views himself — and how he believes laws in the United States work. Congress is considering passing a law that would stop Obama from providing handouts and assistance to people who enter the  Aside from watching Megyn Kelly smile during her nightly show on Fox News, there’s nothing better than watching the conservative Christian entrepreneurial legend and patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family tell an audience exactly what’s on his mind. Phil Robertson was invited to speak at CPAC and not only did he speak without regard to  Jeb Bush wants to be the Republican nominee for president in 2016, but he just got a harsh dose of reality. While attending the Conservative Political Action Conference, the former Florida governor met an unfriendly crowd who made their stance very clear. A multitude of conservative and libertarian attendees staged a dramatic “walkout” of Bush’s stage appearance, while  It’s hard to understand the true motives of a figure like President Barack Obama, but one of the most well-known Christians in America just revealed his belief that the president is being influenced by a particular group. Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of famous evangelist Billy Graham, recently appeared on Fox News and made a  Former Salt Lake City police officer Eric Moutsos recently told his side of the story concerning his fallout with his department, including his resignation. Chief Chris Burbank assigned the Salt Lake City Motor Squad to not only protect an upcoming gay pride parade, but also perform in it. Moutsos, a member of the squad, was told he  The 2016 presidential race is just around the corner, and many of the top contenders recently appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference to lay out their vision for America. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was one of them, and he had strong words about the country’s current path. Perry made a direct connection between the threat  | | | |