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Monday, May 25, 2015 - Monday May 25 2015

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Mon May 25, 2015 - 12:25 pm EST

Marriage hasn’t changed. Ireland has.

By Deacon Keith Fournier

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Mon May 25, 2015 - 5:33 pm EST

Polyamory isn’t good for children: my story

By James Lopez

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Mon May 25, 2015 - 12:51 pm EST

My father raped his daughter. And I am their baby. My story.

By Rowena Slusser

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11-year-old in Uruguay refuses to abort after rape

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Canadians headed to the ballot box for the fall federal election should remember the right to life is 'the most basic thing in society,' the archbishop tells LifeSiteNews.

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‘Please don't make me do this!’: Planned Parenthood nurse tells of teen forced to abort

'I knew what had happened. I knew that they had aborted her against her will.'

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Polyamory isn’t good for children: my story

Although I was very young, the images of my father cuddling with my mom, and then my step-brother's mom, still remain with me.

By James Lopez

My father raped his daughter. And I am their baby. My story.

I have come to see my life as a precious gift given to me.

By Rowena Slusser

Marriage hasn’t changed. Ireland has.

Many fellow Christians have asked me how this could happen since 'Ireland is Catholic.' It happened because, for all practical purposes, this is not true.

By Deacon Keith Fournier

Medical expert: Science is ‘conclusive’ that unborn babies feel horrific pain of abortion

Unborn babies, in fact, 'may feel more intense pain than a newborn or an adult.'

By Charlotte Lozier Institute

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